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Sara Yoko

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Everything posted by Sara Yoko

  1. Okay, so these are just a small few. "Just can't find the time To write my mind The way I want it to read " " Displayers of affection and all good intentions, Why don't you just send me the bill" " She's a jar With a heavy lid My pop quiz kid A sleepy kisser A pretty war With feelings hid" " The ashtray says You were up all night When you went to bed With your darkest mind Your pillow wept You covered your eyes And you finally slept While the sun caught fire" " Will I catch the moon Like a bird in a cage? It's for you I swoon I'm always in love" "I printed my name on the back of
  2. Wow, um... this is really hard for me because sometimes I feel like I understand things Jeff Tweedy says in a way that only a small portion of like minded people would understand, however this is more than likely pleasant self deception. Due to all of this I assign my own meanings to songs that are somewhat hard for most people to decipher and wind up having a passion for almost all the songs. But there are some songs that make me think Jeff Tweedy has been inside my mind, mostly because he sings songs which outline my faults to a tee. Namely "She's a Jar."
  3. This is hard, because John Lennon was so varied, and such a musical trail-blazer, in some way many musicians sound like him. Lyrically the song Summerteeth screams Lennon to me. Musically I think Heavy Metal Drummer is quite Lennon-esque, but that might be due to how much I associate it with 'Good Day Sunshine' Just because both make me smile the moment I hear the opening chord in much the same manner.
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