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TW Walsh

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Posts posted by TW Walsh

  1. This is the greatest thread ever.


    Welcome to VC, TM!


    (We of course will all be calling you TM forever.)

    And ction, Mr. Peel is partial to Swiz.


    yes, i am beginning to realize that i am now and forever TM.


    i will need to check out this Swizzle Stix band. they were long broken up by the time i was on the scene. Pedro was always the black sheep on that label. i didn't even have any tattoos until after our last record came out.

  2. I still would like to know if Pedro the Lion was really on Jade Tree or if I'm just remembering it wrong. And then, if the answer is "yes", I'd like to know your thoughts on the Swiz discography. I might have more questions later as well.


    yes, we were indeed on jade tree. unfortunately, i am unfamiliar with the music of swiz, so i can't help you there.

  3. Yes, self-defense is an affirmative defense which, if found to be credible, will negate criminal or civil liability, even if it is proven that the defendant committed the acts he/she is accused of. Other exampls of affirmative defenses are entrapment and insanity and soft drugs.


    i love it. thanks! but could you clear up its constitutionality?

  4. "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."




    i am no lawyer. but i believe the right to bear arms and the right to defend oneself against violence are derived from this paragraph. forgive me if i am incorrect. any constitutional lawyers on this board?

  5. i like the lips...but it's hard not to view all the extra stuff as a willful diversion from the music. there are a lot of pre-recorded tracks.


    they've made some great records. never seen them live. but i like the documentary. i watched it twice back to back the first time...once without commentary and once with.

  6. It's an etiquette thing. If you're going to use teh InterWebs to promote your music, there are better and more polite ways to do it than signing up on other bands' message boards and then immediately promoting your own music before disappearing, never to be heard from again.


    I'm prepared to acknowledge that this guy's different -- by still being around (even if it's largely to express indignation at the treatment he's received), he's proving that he's not the typical "I LIKE WILCO TOO SO LISTEN TO MY CRAP" drive-by self-promoter. I was a dickhead to him when he first appeared because let's face it, we've all seen a lot of those people and they are annoying. That's why it's fairly well established etiquette that you don't self-promote in your first board post. Maybe this guy didn't know that. Honestly, I never expected him to read my post, because I figured he was long gone. At this point, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I won't apologize for how I treat the usual band spammers around here. They're parasites. Do I overreact? You betcha. It's one of my character flaws.


    Do I make too much out of this? Could I simply ignore such posts? Sure. Maybe this instance will cause me to think twice in the future before I start in with the abuse.

    I don't regard that as a directly analogous situation. The guy in the bar is out there pounding the pavement, pressing the flesh, putting himself out there. A board spammer spends fifteen minutes dropping links on various websites and never bothers to meet or talk to anyone. Maybe I'm wrong about the need to "earn your stripes" on a board before commencing the promotional activities, but by doing so I think you make yourself more like that guy in the bar and less like the people who send penis-enlargement offers to my inbox.


    hey, i conceded that it was lame. a friendly "dude, that's kinda lame...we're a bit offended" would have sufficed.


    personally, i'd probably be a bit more put off by someone approaching me in a bar than typing some characters that may or may not come across my screen, but that's just me.

  7. i really like live DVDs and CDs, but only if the audio quality is really good. that's why i prefer mastered live CDs. but i don't think kicking TV sounds that good. i think it could have been recorded and mixed better.


    i LOVE the live in the studio DVD that came with SBS. i'd love to see more of that. i wish there was a CD of that too. i think there are aspects of it that sound better than the actual record.

  8. Hey Walsh, welcome. People are assholes here and knock on anyone who posts something that they dont' want to read. But you're a musician and you know how pretentious people are. You really don't have to prove anything to them.


    Anyway, I have seen you at Notre Dame with Pedro The Lion. Also, i'm pretty sure my buddy Matt Morgan from South Bend was friends with David, maybe still is, I don't know if you know him too. Anyway, its great stuff, thanks for posting it.


    apparently, i have A LOT to prove...this is an exclusive club with a policy of hazing initiates. :)


    i remember that show @ notre dame well. unfortunately we were playing as a two piece, had rented gear and an iPod for a bass player. not ideal by any stretch! but it was a fun show. dave left his ATM card with the bar. they would only send it back to WA cut into pieces. i may have met matt...unfortunately i can't bring his face to mind...


    thanks again.

  9. Ah now we are being called names.


    You can talk about bands here if you want, just maybe don't start by talking about your hobby band off the top. Pedro the Lion is relatively famous...relatively, meaning I have heard of then and probably heard them as well on collage radio or some such place.




    so much for "stopping replying", louie.


    that makes no sense. you would have preferred i promoted a band that broke up more than 2 years ago than the personal project i'm working on now?

  10. my career is behind me. i do my band for fun.


    yeah, i did come here to promote my music. as far as i know, this is a public place...the "someone elses song" forum of a band i love. it seemed like an appropriate venue to do that. i'm not posing as anyone else, trying to fool anybody. i was extremely up front about everything. i didn't say anything deceiving. would you rather i snuck around for months first?


    but i DO discuss wilco all the time with other people. in REAL LIFE. i am going to keep doing that, and not start doing this.


    fucking nazi!

  11. I wouldn't even go see any band I was in...... :lol


    I am fully done with this. Clearly TW is the consumate professional and has a great music career going and really doesn't need VC or any other half ass website. Good luck with it all.


    Maybe he can tell us where he played in Chicago, just curious, but I don't plan to reply again. I do like Pinetop Seven and I suppose the Goblins were groovy. Glenn has recorded with any number of bands, some of which aren't on Truckstop.




    i have NO music career going. i am NOT a professional. did i claim that shit?


    oh, chicago venues i've played: metro, vic theatre, empty bottle, fireside bowl, abbey pub, schubas


    y'all scared me away. i guess i will return to discussing wilco in person.

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