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TW Walsh

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Posts posted by TW Walsh

  1. So far I continue to side with cryptique. I understand his point. This is actually a pretty mellow board with lots of folks who are in bands and promote themselves all the time and we actually go SEE people we know are sincere. I have been accused of being an asshole too on occasion, but let's get real. No one is interested if you aren't going to try and relate. All of us have jobs, but some of us also get to hang on the net a bit too.


    Frankly if you have to stoop so low as to promote your band (Pedro the Lion or not) on a fan board rather than find "real" fans through your local free paper, friends and relatives or relentless touring like most bands do, then I guess you do get to be ripped a bit.


    BTW, where exactly can we SEE you? What town? What tour circuit are you on? What is your part of the country at least. Most of us live in towns where there are lots of bands, particularly those of us in Chicago. Make the case if you will. (edit- okay the northwest and the Boston area...wow, pretty bi-coastal for a little band...)




    yeah, cryptique has a point...but he made it like a dickhead. yes, it was LAME for me to make my first post about my band, but at least i did it politely and succinctly. i wasn't aware that there was dick-sucking involved in joining a band message board. like i said, i don't do this often. i was just trying to make some grassroots connections...offering my work for FREE to people i thought might like it.


    what do you mean find "real" fans through the paper? i've found out about way more great bands on the internet than anywhere else, especially through the weekly music rags in boston and seattle. does that make me a FAKE fan of those artists? should i have moved to their city and stumbled upon them playing monday night at a dive bar? and i've DONE my years of touring in the US and europe, in service of another songwriter. now i have a house and 2 kids, and i'm off that track. friends and family? i've been making records for almost 20 years. i think they're all in on that secret. i'm just innocently branching out here, and i get attacked. "stooping so low" as to come on this board? remember, this is YOUR board!


    i deserve to get ripped? you know nothing about me...i can't believe the world we live in where anonymity and a sense of entitlement make people act like this. forgive me for not having spent enough time in places like this to "know the rules".


    as for chicago, i've played there probably 20 times with my songs and other bands. one of my solo records was on truckstop records in chicago...glen kotche has played on most of the records on that label.


    "make the case"??? i need to make the case to convince you to take the risk of clicking on a link? wow.


    i live in boston now. i put together a new lineup. we're not on a label. we're not gonna tour. i'm not asking for money. i personally took the risk to DIRECTLY expose myself and my life's work to some strangers. this is the last time i do that.

  2. I think my assumptions were perfectly reasonable, and my response was entirely predictable, if you bother to really think about it. We get people in here all the time who join up, drop a self-promotional turd, and are never heard from again. You followed this pattern by pimping for your band a mere SIX MINUTES after you joined the board. I'm guessing you spent those six minutes figuring out which forum was the most likely target for band-pimping and then typing your post. That means you didn't even bother to read any other threads before starting in with the self-promotion.


    Now, if you actually want to hang out here and join in conversations that have nothing to do with your band or what an asshole I am (hint: a very large one, and that's been well established), you're more than welcome to do so. Despite the rough greeting you've received, it's easy to earn your stripes here. When you've settled in and have established your presence here for a while, those of us who get pissy about such things won't even mind you asking us to check out your band. But so far all six of your posts have been in this thread, and all that proves to me is that you're interested in seeing whether you got any nibbles, not that you're interested in becoming a contributing member of this board.


    Prove me wrong and you'll never read another harsh word out of me ... at least not about this.


    prove you wrong? what is this, the army?


    i've done nothing wrong except make a slightly tacky (but entirely EARNEST) self-promotion, and now you're trying to goad me into "earning" the right to "virtually" hang out with you, a documented fanboy messageboard asshole? with 10,500 posts??? get a job? me? take a look in the mirror.

  3. i know nels played only on the new one.


    i am a legitimate fan. i don't belong to ANY message boards of my favorite bands. it's not really my "thing". i belong to several recording engineering forums...


    it's true, i probably won't be discussing too many of tweedy's lyrics here...i don't want to live my life in fear of violating some kind of "message board etiquette". i just am looking for smart music fans to check it out so i can expand what i'm doing...i even have a few legitimate connections to WILCO that i didn't want to exploit on this message board...it seemed cheesy. i'm already promoting my own band. at least i used the right forum!


    but let me say this...i saw "i am trying to break your heart" in the theater. i recently listened to a scratchy 2 hour audio interview mike watt did with nels cline. i have argued with friends trying to convince them that GHOST is better than YHF. i was bummed that jeff kicked out ken and jay got portrayed in such a bad light through that whole thing, but i think the music is better for it. i genuinely love this band.

  4. are you for real?


    do i need to show you my ticket stubs from bankboston pavillion this past summer?


    isn't it possible to be a fan of a band without accumulating 10,000 posts on their message board?


    jeez, thanks for the welcome! it's not like i'm even trying to SELL anything. all i was saying was check out these mp3s.



  5. Hey all...I am a huge WILCO fan, but I just found this board. My faves by far are A GHOST IS BORN and SKY BLUE SKY. I think adding Nels was a stroke of genius.


    Anyway, I have a band called the Soft Drugs...I used to be in a band called Pedro the Lion, but that fanbase is a little too young for what I'm doing. I hope some of you might like it. In fact, some members of Richard Swift's band (whom just toured the West Coast with WILCO) are good friends of mine and played on these recordings. You can download six high quality mp3s with art and lyrics for FREE at




    or to stream the songs, check out






    Sorry for the self promotion, but I'm looking for the right audience for this stuff, and I think Wilco fans could be into it. I'd love any feedback and criticisms!



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