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Posts posted by Happiechick

  1. Awww, I really do feel bad for him--especially in Minneapolis. I saw he canceled his Fillmore show--probably due to lack of ticket sales, then.


    Ditto that :( ...I was way off with my info. last week, I thought he was in town last week. sorry vc! Either way, I can't make his show tonight and I am even more disappointed that I can't go after reading things are not going so hot. Looking forward to hearing about the show.......


    Solace, u going to the Rochester show on the 30th?

  2. Speaking of Minny Soda.



    No offence but I thought some of these were funny.




    Jeff Foxworthy on Minnesota :


    If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling

    through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping

    that the food will swim by, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you're proud that your state makes the national news 96

    nights each year because International Falls is the coldest

    spot in the nation, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you have ever refused to buy something because it's "too

    spendy," you might live in Minnesota.


    If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through

    March, you might live in Minnesota.


    If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't

    work there, you might live in Minnesota.


    If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the

    middle of his forehead, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you

    might live in Minnesota.


    If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you

    might live in Minnesota.


    If you know how to say...Wayzata...Mahtomedi...Cloquet...

    Edina...and Shakopee, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you think that ketchup is a little too spicy, you might

    live in Minnesota.


    If vacation means going "up north" for the weekend, you

    might live in Minnesota.


    If you measure distance in hours, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you know several people, who have hit deer more than once,

    you might live in Minnesota.


    If you often switch from "Heat" to "A/C" in the same day and

    back again, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging

    blizzard without flinching, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you see people wearing hunting clothes at social events, you

    might live in Minnesota.


    If you install security lights on your house & garage and leave

    both unlocked, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you think of the major food groups as beer, fish, and

    venison,you might live in Minnesota.


    If you carry jumper cables in your car, and your girlfriend

    knows how to use them, you might live in Minnesota.


    If there are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at

    Mill's Fleet Farm at any given time, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a

    snowsuit, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you think driving is better in the winter because the potholes

    are filled with snow, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter,

    and of course, road construction, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you can identify a southern or eastern accent, you might

    live in Minnesota.


    If your idea of creative landscaping is a plastic deer next

    to your blue spruce, you might live in Minnesota.


    If "Down South" to you means Iowa, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you know "a brat" is something you eat, you might live in Minnesota.


    If you find -10 degrees "a little chilly," you might live in Minnesota.


    If you actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to

    all your Minnesota friends, you've lived or are living in Minnesota...

    :rotfl good stuff and every line is so, so true! I esp. like "If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in mn!" thanks for sharing!
  3. I miss the Jayhawks, dearly. used to go to minneapolis every year to see them at First Ave and outdoor festivals....

    Oh I miss them so much too, their music makes me so happy! Love 1st Ave.! Is anyone going to see Gary L at schuba's Friday night (chicago)-or maybe it's sat. night..I'm not sure if I have my info. correct...I can't make it to the show:( but would love it if one of you fellow fans could go and fill us in.....I'm still dreaming they will get back together...

  4. does anybody know what the seating will be for this venue? Mayo Civic Center

    arena/auditorium/presentation hall. very cool interaction map too!


    thanks in advance



    I was about to post a thread on this as well...

    I grew up in that area and have been to Mayo Civic many times growing up, (I am still in shock that Wilco is playing there!) and I can not figure out where exactly in the civic center they will play. They could probably do any type of arrangement, which is why I am wondering the same thing...it could really go either way, GA or assigned seating. I can tell you that it's huge, and NOT your typical Wilco venue. Also, MCC does not have Wilco listed on their event list yet, did anyone else notice that?

  5. set list ruled. kingpin, monday, wheel conclusion was outtasite


    venue was cool...six pack o' cans? furreal.


    it felt like a h.s. gym. too cool.


    and a fun crowd to top it off... ;)

  6. I noticed Jeff talks a lot in the article about self-observations and a lot of what he figured out about his issues came from his own reasoning, and also how less-than-competent doctors can sometimes make matters worse by misdiagnoses or medicating when maybe medication isn't quite correct. Does anyone know of a public forum anywhere online where people can share their observations and their issues and maybe seek help from others with similar conditions? I feel like this is a really positive way to deal with things. Just having a way to relate to others and learn from people with similar problems sounds really helpful.

    Oh, you are so, so right! Sharing these experiences really helps people to not feel as though they are going crazy and a public forum would help so much. I was introduced to Wilco in 2002 and of course loved their music. Then, after the birth of my 3rd child, I started having insane migraines which led to insane panic attacks. The pain is so outrageous, It literally feels as though my head will explode. I've called 911 as well, my husband has driven me to the er, etc. It's a terrible cycle.


    I had first seen Wilco live when I was pregnant with my 3rd in 04, but after that, I was too busy having migraines and panic attacks to find time for concerts, let alone trying to be a good mom and wife. Last spring, I found out I had missed a Wilco show in my hometown, and I was so disappointed. I came home and was bound and determined to find out how I could be so clueless. I had no idea about VC. Instead of finding a show close to my house, Google told me that Jeff Tweedy suffered from the same crap I put up with. For the first time in my life, I was reading that I was not the only person suffering from this and I thought to myself geez, if Tweedy is going through this, I don't feel quite so pathetic anymore! I actually felt better knowing I wasn't the only one, not to mention, our favorite musician had the exact same problems. You (konev1) are so right that a public forum, (and even Tweedy's article), would help so many others who suffer. I have also thought that my husband (and maybe even Jeff's wife) would benefit from a forum to vent, etc.


    I have often wondered if Jeff still gets migraines. It seems like no matter how hard I try, those damn migraines can come on even when I am doing everything I can to prevent them. I chose the reverse route that he did. I started with and still do alternative health for my condition. I am one of those people who isn't big on pharmaceutical drugs, so I hate taking them unless I have to. I find myself getting frustrated because no matter how many vitamins I take, or how many sessions of acupuncture and visits to a chiropracter, I still end up having to rely on Relpax, Imitrex, and Vicoden, and when I do, I feel so disappointed in myself and often wonder, when I can get my life back without this shitty condition. And of course, when I am at a Wilco show, I am the fan wondering if JT has a headache. I am planning on attending the Tulsa show this Sat. with my friend who grew up there, but I can't even get excited about it because I am afraid I may get a migraine just from flying there, etc. I can NOT imagine having to put on a show with a migraine, it would be utterly unbearable.

    At least I can put on Dora for my kids... no Dora for a Wilco show. :)

    THANK YOU for posting this article, thanks a bunch.

  7. :rotfl That's rich....




    Ummm, didn't they cut short HIH?


    Also, as others have commented on Ellen Page -- she sure is cute as a button, but I think she yelled all of her speaking parts. She will learn that it's not needed to do that in live theatre. It bordered on annoying.

    Edie, you are crackin me up, from the boots to Ellen Page yelling...too funny!

  8. It would be cool when we all get together to jam/sing along before or after WILCO shows.

    What do ya think?


    Or am I a sell out?

    how about I bring my 7 year old daughter who can play California Stars on her guitar? My 2 year old shouts "we can make it better" really well in "The Thanks I Get," she'd be great back up. Yet another reason for you all to move to Evanston! :)

  9. bottom line is it is BS to cancel/reschedule a show 6 days prior to the date. Its just plain inconsiderate. People I am sure have travel plans, etc that have been made months in advance. plus the show is SOLD OUT. thats a pretty strong indication that the charleston area was pretty excited about the band coming to town and if i were in there shoes, which i am not, id feel responsible for essentially and albeit temporarily stating to people that SNL and a national TV audience (record sales) are more important that this one show. i am happy for wilco that they are getting this opportunity and it is hard to see bands make rational business decisions b/c essentially we would like to separate the business aspects from the fact the we love their music. but lets call a spade a spade here. theres no way they slap the ryman in the face like this. i hope their music gets all the attention it deserves but this in my opinion is a rather lame way to do it. i think they should have to play outdoors on the edge of a marsh with flies everywhere in august as a punishment. also canceling a friday show and replacing it with a thursday show sucks. i work for a living and dont have the luxury of riding around in a big fancy tour bus writing all kinds of fancy songs about your fancy conflicting emotions with fancy european guitars playing all kinds of fancy "riffs" with a bunch of fancy roadies and fancy hipster girls looking to have fancy emotionless fancy sex with unfancy me. god rock music has become so fancy...."alt-country"....whats the alternative? being fancy i guess.

    Really? Do you really mean that? Some of these reactions to the cancelled show are so sad. As I sit and read through this entire thread, I can't help but think what an insult this is to one of the worlds most generous bands, who are also one of the most respected in the music world, who are supported with respectable and kind wives and families. How many rock stars wives care enough to meet fans and take their requests while waiting in line for a show in the freezing cold, give them hot chocolate in the freezing cold, etc.? Not one fancy rock star wife. If you are talking about fancy and wilco in the same thread, you can't mean wilco. They couldn't be anymore down to earth and sincerely unfancy. The opportunity to play on SNL is totally awesome and exciting, and a cancelled show is not. But please try to be thrilled and positive for this band (which btw has a huge amount of respect from people of all walks of life). Look at the bright side, you get to see them on SNL and in concert this summer.

  10. OK, so I thougth I was getting over it; now it feels like the flu. And fuckity fuck, I'm in CA :(


    Is there such a thing as a tertiary infection?

    oh geez, that sucks, but I hate to tell you, I've got the wilco flu too and you and I were jammin

    next to each other wed. night.............same Edie right????

  11. I am going to go with The Ruling Class, from the Sunken Treasure DVD where that lady says, "That's amazing." Then Jeff replays, "Thank you. Yes, it is."


    Who is that lady is she here?


    I have to agree, when I hear that girl shout that out, it makes me LOL every time. I am so glad she said it, because everyone is thinking it's amazing when they listen to that! Ruling Class rules, but so does Radio King... the ultimate acoustic song if you ask me.

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