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Everything posted by wilcowilcowilco

  1. hilarious thread, y'all. but i think you'd be arguing about the lineup no matter who was in it. that is inevitable when there are mutliple incarnations of a band, no? personally, don't you think it is a matter of time before jeff goes solo?
  2. I was shopping for bras and underwear in Nordstrom and I heard "hate it hear". I thought that was a little weird.
  3. Bright Eyes is covering feist?!? yikes! I did hear an interview on NPR with her a while back and she gave a good interview - interesting and informative, so I don't want to be too harsh but it is a shame when you hear her everywhere now I'm so sick of it.
  4. i do watch way too much tv but should that change things?
  5. i know this happens over and over again, but i really liked feist a lot but now that she is on tv every 5 minutes on the ipod commercial and vh1 videos and snl and everywhere else, i've sorta lost interest. just way too much overexposure. is this unavoidable or am i a brat?
  6. just found this forum! very cool. and looks active! dont they play Thanksgiving shows in chicago every year? how many years have they been doing that?
  7. This is kind of interesting. I found Glen's blog about the things he does outside of wilco. http://journal.nonesuch.com/journal/2007/1...tober-25-a.html
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