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Posts posted by tangara

  1. So sad.


    Elyse's blog really is good; it's a kind of travelogue/photo essay/expose of the modeling world. She's lived and worked in Asia since being on ANTM and has had quite a bit of modeling success there for a former reality star.


    I think she's posted previously that she and Marty had been together since she was in high school; if I recall correctly, he was slightly older and working at a record store when they met.

  2. also, how good is Lem's?


    I'm not familiar with Lem's - but I'd suggest Smoque if you're looking for good barbecue.


    Also, it's worth noting that cabs are cheap and plentiful here - I'm not sure it's necessary to pick a hotel that's CTA adjacent.


    What kind of stuff are you interested in checking out around town, tray?

  3. Best. News. Evah.


    Two of my favorite bands heading up that list - REM and MMJ - but lots of depth, too; looking forward to seeing Bon Iver, Wussy, and Vampire Weekend, among others.


    This will be my first year going. I'm crazy excited! I'm going with some Austin natives and some friends from Chicago who have attended every single year, but I'm still not sure how it's going to work...any SXSW vets have some good advice?

  4. The Jon Brion NYE show was good...got a little rowdy towards the end, but good.


    Britt Daniel of Spoon opened the night, and there was indeed a short Autumn Defense set. Pat and John came back to accompany Jon on a few tunes in the second set as well. We ran into them in the lobby during intermission, too. Heh.

  5. How is Will Hoge? I haven't heard note one from him but he's had some damn fine acts open for him..


    I saw Will Hoge at ACL this year; straightforward country-rockin' stuff. He was pretty good; I'd see him again. I'm going to try to catch that Double Door show, but it's the same night as Yeasayer. Hm.


    The Magician is indeed a great tune!

  6. Water Jet Cilice is also known as Self Torture (which has lyrics), which you can buy on eMusic :thumbup


    Very cool, thanks solace! Just grabbed it :)


    *edited after a few listens*


    Like the lyrics, but I really miss those cicadas on the Fingerlings version...

  7. Awesome news. I was just telling my friend the other day how I would love it if he released the Dylan cover. I can't wait for this.


    That cover of "Oh, Sister" has been out for a while - it was on a MOJO "Dylan Covered" disc from 2005.



    The Water Jet Cilice (which is also on the most recent Fingerlings) is one of my favorite Andrew tracks.



    One of my favorites as well. Great tune.

  8. i said she sounds a bit like Neko, not LIKE Neko ;).


    just a slight similiarity.



    Hee. Sorry, I'm a bit of a Neko fanatic...I get a little defensive sometimes :P


    So far, my favorites are "Daddy Needs a Drink", "That Man I Shot" "Home Field Advantage" and "3 Dimes Down".

  9. I'm sort of surprised that I'm the only one excited about Okkervil River & DBT playing together.


    You're not, I just don't live close enough to Virginia to get too excited about it :P


    Okkervil puts on a heck of a show, though - enjoy!


    There's a bit of discussion on the DBT yahoo group about Shonna's voice - some are comparing it to Neko Case. I don't hear it - I hear a bit more Reba or Tanya Tucker, kind of old school twang. What do you guys think?

  10. I saw them open for the bright eyes in birmingham. they were pretty good but the singer has a bit too much of a bob dylan impression going on.


    Heh - yeah, that's kind what I thought after listening to the songs on their myspace. They're not bad, though, and I like the accordion parts.

  11. Those are indeed some great tunes - weren't they posted on Aquarium Drunkard earlier this year?


    According to the article, there's a tour in the works:


    Pitchfork: That's just a couple dates, but you mentioned a full tour in March and April. Is that a U.S. tour?


    SM: Yeah. We're playing in Chicago somewhere, maybe at the Ballroom place or something. [The Aragon? - ed] And we managed to not have Miller ads all over the thing. It was hard to pass up the free cash, but it's too gross to see all those ads. I don't know, it's just not right.

  12. Not really. There's ticketweb and tickets. com and the sort, but those outlets are limited by the exclusive contracts that most major venues sign with Ticketmaster.


    Ticketweb is owned by Ticketmaster, incidentally. So, yeah...monopoly.

  13. Fellow literature geek :wub


    I also love this one. I bought the postcard of it on ebay, but the posters are all going for over $100 now, so this will have to remain a "maybe someday" purchase for now:





    That's an EMEK, isn't it? No wonder.

  14. I quickly perused eBay for ticket sellers and prices.

    On the regular eBay tickets there were approximately 250 tickets up for sale. The SubHub deal had a total of 1000 tickets for all 5 nights.


    What's the Riv capacity? Assuming my count represents a small percentage of tickets that were bought for the sole purpose of reselling at a higher price ($90 to $365 on eBay), ticket sellers who don't list the actual numbers of total tickets they have, and considering the tickets which have already been sold from eBay, I'd say that scalpers were able to purchase a significant portion of the tickets available.


    The Riv has a capacity of 2000-2500. So, scalpers have anywhere from 10-12% of the available tickets for the run.

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