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Everything posted by Matt78777

  1. This song grows on me every time I hear it. The subject matter of the song is pretty disturbing, but the tone of parts of the song really make it disturbing. There's that one part in the middle where the percussion is slow, almost happy, and playful. It's almost like a guy just committed murder, is all freaked out and trying to dispose of the evidence when he looks around and realizes nothing around him has changed. The mundane things like a leaky faucet and creaky stairs are still there, and it's actually kind of a nice day out. Then he remembers that he just killed somebody and starts freaki
  2. I went and saw both New Orleans shows and now I'm back home to see this one. I really want to hear Spiders (Kidsmoke), hummingbird, and I am Trying to Break Your Heart because they didn't play those in New Orleans. I agree that Misunderstood would be a great opener. Also, just about every one of their songs is great live, but the one song that surprised me was Via Chicago. Impossible Germany, I'm man who loves you, Heavy Metal Drummer and a few others all got people going and jumping, but Via Chicago was so mesmerizing everyone was completely still. I hope to hear that song again.
  3. Seriously? That was you? It was kinda lame actually. I dont' get why people try to videotape concerts. It doesn't matter how good your camera is, it's NEVER the same, and you ruin the experience by not focusing on the band, not to mention get the band all pissy and mad.
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