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Everything posted by chezdan9

  1. I get the Chicago connection, but I thought it made for a weird/disjointed transition to "Either Way" (at Tanglewood)
  2. Hi, I'm chezdan and I'm a rage-aholic. ("I'm addicted to rage-ahol!" -H. Simpson) Sorry for the bummer first post, but I had to get that off my chest. To answer some of your questions: a) we were on the side lawn left, close to the stage - excellent spot, btw people dancing during a concert do not bother me in the least...unless they walk 2 feet in front of where I'm SITTING and start doing it c) it just blows my mind that some people have absolutely no awareness about anything other than themselves or their wants and desires. Why am I the bad guy because I chose the side where I could s
  3. That's because you were STANDING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE AND BLOCKING THEIR VIEW OF THE BAND, YOU INCONSIDERATE A**HOLE. God, I was so sick of you people all night long....I'm SORRY that we're not cool and high and drunk and whatever, but we paid our money to see our favorite band just like you and we chose to SIT on the side because we KNEW people would stand in the shed. We got there early and got our seats for that very reason. Is it too much to ask that you and your goddamned self-centered drunken idiotic friends respect the rights of those who don't wish to "Get up and dance, man"? Aaaarr
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