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The High Heat

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Posts posted by The High Heat

  1. First time I heard Wilco other than from my own cds was in '01 at a local pub. "Outtasite" started to play and I became real confused because I knew I heard this song, but my mind couldn't fathom a Wilco song being played in public, especially pre-fired-from-Reprise days.


    I've since heard them again at that same restaurant (can't remember the song); a pizza joint - a local radio station playing "A Box Full of Letters;" B&N ("Pick up the Change"); I walked into a Wings place just after SBS was released and "A Ghost is Born" was being played by the manager - (I asked), and I thought I was still hearing it in my head because I had every studio album in my car playing on shuffle; and the grocery store that I work at (Food Lion) routinely plays "Impossible Germany," which is an odd contrast to typical pop fare which dominates store music systems.


    Yet, anytime I ask someone in this town if they've heard of Wilco, they think I mean the gas station!

    When I tell them it's a band, their first question is always, "What kind of music do they play?"

    The answer to that question (if there is one) is a whole different discussion.

  2. Hey there,


    I have two tickets to see Wilco's sold out show in Delaware this Sunday and I have no way of getting there from Manhattan. If someone had a car and was interested in driving to NYC on Sunday and back after the show, I would be interested in selling my ticket (third row) for that. If you are going from New York and have any more room in your car, let me know. I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!



    Wilco has just launched a new feature on their website www.wilcoworld.net (front page link) called "Passenger Side."

    It's purpose is the very thing you're looking for, people looking for and offering rides to Wilco concerts.

    Their intentions are to save energy and help fellow fans become acquainted.

    Seeing how you're in NYC you'll probably have some options there.

    Also, Wilmington has an Amtrak station downtown, but that town is not too walkable at night (as in dangerous).

  3. Instead of temporary Straight, Chesney & Coldplay channels on XM Radio, how about a permanent channel that play bands and artists that trace their lineage somehow back to Uncle Tupleo! It could play everything from UT, Wilco, Son Volt, Tweedy, Farrar to Autumn Defense, Golden Smog, Loose Fur, etc. Even tunes from Bennett/Burch would qualify as Bennett was with Wilco, which is an offspring of UT.

    At least a Wilco station.

    Or a Dylan channel for that matter.

    I know some of you would want it on Sirius, but I have XM; and I have a strong doubt that the two of them will ever give us the dual access they promised when they merged.

  4. im interested! I emailed you. PM me if you dont get my email





    If you're still interested, just call me anytime at:

    1-252-916-2509 (I stay up late, 'til 1 or 2)



    And One Wing, thank you for the kind words.

    She is indeed a jar with a heavy lid,

    and definately a pop-quiz kid.

    Some things I just don't miss.

  5. Bought four reserved tickets for Cary show for me & the girlfriend plus her two friends, then found the girlfriend with another dude all night. I got rid of her and her friends, but I've got the tickets, which I paid for. Other friends either already have tickets or can't go, so I have 3 extras that I'll sell for $120 combined (cash only).


    Section 2; Row P; Seats 16-18.


    Contact Michael in Greenville, NC at:



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