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Everything posted by lesliehef

  1. I had the pleasure of attending this show. It was a far better behaved audience than I ever could have expected, especially for Houston. It was so refreshing not to see mobile phones and cameras up all over the venue recording grainy video and taking shitty, blurry pictures. The event staff were right on top of the no camera policy, and right when a cell phone sprang into the air to take photos and videos, flashlights were up in their faces. All of a sudden people had to pay attention to a show, instead of paying attention to their devices. It was also nice that people weren't talking the whol
  2. You might be the sole seeder who I'm lucky enough to get this show from right now. I'll join you in seeding this one for awhile. This show was so good that I couldn't speak intelligently for several hours afterward. The scary mountain man was right in front of my girlfriend and I. As he had screamed "WILCO!!!!!" during every quiet part of every song, I finally broke my long-term commitment to staying quiet at shows and told him to "shut the fuck up." Of course, he didn't hear. (Hopefully the awesome taper's mic didn't hear either.) It still blows my mind that people will spend money to go to
  3. I'm still in Bend after this amazing show last night. I was with a group of 5. We were all completely blown away by the band's performance, as well as the venue. Unfortunately there were some idiots there. Jeff Tweedy actually started picking on one guy who stood in front of us drunkenly yelling "Wilco" over the quiet parts of songs (as if the band or anyone else didn't know the name of the group.) But the show was ridiculously good other than a few bad apples in the crowd. I can't wait to find a recording of this. They played so much great stuff.
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