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Everything posted by RalphPa

  1. besides bt.etree.org, what other usual sites are you talking about? there were definitely tapers there as i saw two stands with 3-4 sets of mics set up on them (and i didn't even get the greatest look, so there could have been more)
  2. i also got a PM from this person ... i didn't click on the link, but it probably was teh pr0n everyone is talking about
  3. I think the majority of those (if not all) are Ticketmaster tickets. For certain venues, there are certain people who have a season ticket deal where they are guaranteed the same box or exact seats for EVERY event at that venue. Some of those tix are probably due to agreements like that. I know some are probably being illegally sold (against Wilco policy) from the presale, but I don't think that is most of the ones you see at stubhub.
  4. I was able to get tix from the presale, but for me I got in right at 10am without any problems. I got 4 tix in Orchestra Row A, which looks like the 4th row (it appears there are folding chair rows AA-CC ahead of row A). I am glad to have 4 tix (which will all be used by HUGE Wilco fans), but one would think they should limit it to just a pair per person for the presale given the small allotment available.
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