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Posts posted by renic

  1. I've got the Wil-cough, and my voice is shot all to pieces, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I think it might be bronchitis, since I used to get that every year.

    I'll be getting a good shot in the arm tomorrow night in Philly, but after that I'll be living vicariously through Isadorah.


    cough cough,




    you should still come out for the party yo.

  2. Let's see...


    Dude Lebowski



    Tweedy's Gurl


    Dreamin' Judy





    Ms. Yvon


    M. Christine








    timewasajoke (I think that's his new screen name)


    Hopefully I'm not forgetting anybody...



  3. The sing-along at the bar was truly special, I doubt I will ever have that opportunity again. I'm not usually a sing-along kinda gal but it was so organic and joyus. And what a great DJ - several Wilco AND Replacements songs...can't beat that! :worship



    who were you? i was the obnoxious one. i know that most of us are on here but fuck if i can remember names & i only had 2 (very weak) drinks.

  4. there was certainly something magical going on in the air last night. after the aweseomeness of the show, a whole bunch of us had met up the street @ a bar where we had gone the night before. we had taken over a booth or two. the dj launches into is that the thanks i get & our table belted out & clapped along as if we were still at the show. the other patrons were certainly getting a kick out of us!


    i think happeningstone is my concert soul mate.

  5. That fake cop was ridiculous. I knew there was something fishy once he told some guy to delete a picture off of his camera, and then proceeded to muscle his way in front of me so his stupid girlfriend could take an up close picture on her camera. What a joke. His badge actually said "Special Police." Special, as in "fake."


    Oh, but on another note, the show was amazing. It was the fourth Wilco show I've seen, and easily the best, but that's possibly because I was so close to the front and it was such an intimate setting for them. The Millennium Park show was also incredible. I had such a great time. Waiting out in the cold for three hours was totally worth it.



    i wanted apiece of that guy. i was so pissed.

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