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Posts posted by renic

  1. I was

    Waiting for you

    I was

    Standing around

    I was

    Getting Older

    I was

    Going Down


    If you always get up late

    You'll never be on time

    If you always make it after work

    ba ba dada


    Oh the day never comes

    and I stand up

    Waiting on


    I saw you down there

    I know you were tired

    I saw you

    You looked like a SWIMMER

    I wanna be with you

    All of the time

    Why can't you satisfy


    You look good

    but you sound better

    you were the best I had


    If you always get up late

    You'll never be on time

    If you always get up late

    You're never gonna be on time

    And that's a shame


    Cause I like you

    I never see you.

  2. while i worry about plenty of things, getting better while on vacation, my return flight not being canceled, my relationship actually becoming easier instead of more complicated & more work, i must say that when i saw that there was a poster named "rags" i giggled & thought my brother had finally succumbed to the power of wilco since he's never been a fan & that is his family nick name. alas, it is not he.


    however, to rags, i would say this, having been in & out of psych offices since i was 15 (i opted to talk it out early so that it wouldn't haunt me later in life) i have always said no to meds other then the ones prescribed for adhd b/c when i found the right person to talk to, even though it took a little longer, i felt better. so maybe take your time, find someone you feel comfortable talking to, even if you have to go through a few different people & then decide if taking meds on any basis is right for you.


    my last shrink told me that one should pick out a doc like they pick out shoes, by trying on different pairs, i think that's a good approach.


    just my .02

  3. if one ever needs travel advice, she's a wealth of information!


    btw, maudie, on the spur of the moment i decided to go to edinburgh i leave tomorrow, no bands were involved though! too bad flights for amsterdam were to damn expensive!!!!

  4. My friend that lives out near you (the one who met HST) would tell you a horrifying story about teh jimsonweed. Now THAT stuff is off-limits man.



    yeah that stuff is no fun.


    hmmm guess i should go vote now.....

  5. Hey guys,

    So I am going to be attending 2 Wilco shows in CA (Santa Barabra and Berkeley) and I have a ticket to Santa Barabra (thanks to the great generosity of a fellow VC'er!), but missed the boat on the Berkeley tickets because the sold out when I was at work...so anyway, I am sort of freaking out about not having a ticket yet, and I am considering buying from one of those scalping ticket websites (ie: Stubhub). I dunno though... what do you guys think I should do?

    I have already booked my flight, and have used a signifigant chunk of my summer savings to do so.



    i say no, in my experience things seem to work out day of show. i know its hard to do, but i'd hold out.


    just my .02

  6. i heard 6:30. shit, i was planning on walking over to grant park after work today...it better not rain. i even tossed my umbrella aside this morning thinking 'hey, its beautiful out! much better than yesterday!' :no


    i know the show's free, but you didnt need to pick up a ticket anywhere did you? maybe just for the pavillion or something..?



    i usually have one stashed in my backpack if you need it i'll be at columbia (33 e. congress) after 4.

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