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Posts posted by renic

  1. Well currently I'm at a local community college getting my gen eds out of the way, then I'll be going to Columbia in Chicago. So I'm mostly self-taught right now, but I am serious about studying it and don't just dick around with it. I consider myself a student, simpler to say that I am going to school for it instead of a long disclaimer.



    just curious, that's all.

  2. "You must not be doing very well."


    Whatever man.


    Somebody suggested that it sounded like it wasn't mastered, and I could see why they would think that and posted reasons saying why. But I was in no way asserting myself as knowing whether it was, or making any assumptions about anybody. I gave my reasons why I thought it might be just the final mix without mastering, but also said it was just as likely that this was it.



    what school do you go to?

  3. i have lived in ravenswood for the last 3 years & love it. its a reasonably priced dog friendly neighborhood with tree lined streets even. i can walk to either the red line, brown line or the metra. i have a choice of a large supermercado or can hop on the train to a grocery store.


    lincoln square is also really nice. let me know if you have any other questions.

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