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Posts posted by renic

  1. You must be testing me. My favortie Wilco song is "Company in My Back". The problem I was having was trying to hear that song in my head with just Jeff and his guitar. I suppose I should have requested it anyway.


    Rest peacfully Mr. Kurt Vonnegut.



    oh you TOTALLY should have requested that!!

  2. I just want to remark how much fun I had meeting all of the cool fans at the front of the line. We froze our toochis (tu kisses) off for several hours but the payoff was when Sue and the kids came out to take our song requests.


    Thanks to Lou, Matt, Allison, Amy, Brianne, Edie & Scott, Aaron, and expecially Corrine and Kelly for making my night even more enjoyable than it already was seeing Jeff play.


    Morgan great pictures. I was sitting to your left. I know how hard you worked to get just the right shot of Jeff being a standup comedian. I think he was "4 times funnier" that night.


    Peace and love :music






    glad you had a good time! what song did you request? i don't remember.



    I was hoping to go to this show, but could not because of an Easter vacation.


    Great setlist, but someone should have requested "James Alley Blues"




    oooohhhh good pick, i'll have to remember that one.

  3. So I guess I was that arrogant self-professed "biggest Wilco fan" who "needed to hear him play a YHF demo song." Just wanted to clear my good name and say that I was not being intentionally obscure with my song request, though I think most fans should understand that without me having to explain.

    When the opportunity arose to request a song (any song!), a million choices ran through my head. By the time I got my chance, there were already a bunch of great songs on the list, so I went with "Venus Stop the Train." Could I have been more "mainstream"? Yes, of course! But this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance for me, and I wanted to hear one of my favorites that I'd never heard performed live before. At the time, I didn't think Jeff would be playing every request, so I didn't expect him to play mine anyway. I know "Venus" is more of a piano diddy and all, but I figured I'd throw it out there. It didn't hurt to try, right?

    In my own defense, one should go to a Jeff solo show expecting to hear some rarities because, well, it isn't a Wilco show, folks! I didn't know every single song that was played, but I still enjoyed them all.

    Anyway, I'm trying not to be personally offended about this. I just wanted to say that I wasn't trying to come off as pretentious or any such thing. I just wanted to hear a nice song.. :ohwell



    lol i knew that's the song it was. once you said demo's it made sense. can't really blame you for trying! airline was a good second choice.


    edit: or far far away

  4. maddie is awesome! that's for sure.



    i don't like part iii @ all, puza didn't even want it to be made. while i like both films, i really dig the book. i like the details it can give you that the movie can't.


    i watch them both quite often none the less.


    "you killed carlo!!!"

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