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Posts posted by renic

  1. i got the answer key from a guy i know. for the multiple choice section, the answers are as follows:


    a--XLR cable

    d--increase the memory allocation


    c--sub-frame shift

    c--16 channel mixer

    a--Krakow, Poland

    b--re-import the file, re-cut into track


    i'll get back to you on the essay portion. something to do with "Henny Penny." :brow



    :rotfl :worship


    that one, however, will be next week.


    one of them is yoga, yeah real hard, i just can't seem to find the rhythm to the sun salutation, the other is for a film class i hate (we have to watch war & peace movies all semseter, mostly war) but have gotten a's on the quizzes, so theoretically, i can some studying for that this weekend.

  2. nope, they were a possibility and decided to opt out for some reason. so, not for right now.


    yeah, this kicked off in Europe first. We did a (RED) version of the SLVR over there, that I had no involvement with. The RAZR w/ USC and Sprint will be our first US offerings. say what you want about Bono and oprah and egos and blah, blah, blah...this really is a pretty cool concept w/ potential to raise a lot $. if you're not in the market for a new phone or iPod nano...maybe go buy a t-shirt or something. every little bit helps. :peace



    those bastids!!!

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