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Posts posted by renic

  1. broken by far is my favorite nin album, i am also a big fragile fan. the new one is pretty good & growing on me. i can't wait to get some down time so that i can take a crack at the thtf tracks i have. i think i have the only ones as well.


    but then again, they are my favorite band next wilco.


    i thought it was kind of a pisser that he changed the setlist when they started recording for atchb dvd & cut out somewhat damaged. it was great to hear him behind a curtain for that song and would have loved to see it included.

  2. Update:


    He came out of the surgery ok, the aneurism grew a finger! Which is scary but they put a crap load of coils on top of it. The dr's feel that they caught it on tiime & though he's still at risk, he doesn't have to see them again for another year.


    Whew, that sucked, I hope no one ever has to feel like that!


    Thank you so much guys for all your vibes & well wishes, it has truely helped!


    Much love,


    Allison & her family

  3. Hey guys,


    I consider myself a pretty strong person but in the middle of this really hard semester, I find myself needing something a little extra! I'll keep this kinda short!


    My dad had an aneurism in his brain burst 4 years ago, we almost lost him but with a few conversations with Scotty not beaming him up & Ernest Borgnain (sp) he recovered quite well. Over the years he has had to hvae is head checked out to make sure it was ok. Once or twice he had to have coils put in his head on top of the aneurism, i'm guessing to contain it. I got news last Thursday that it has grown larger & that he is now at risk again. The only viable option he has is for the dr's to open up his head again & place more coils on the aneurism. Here's the kicker, the dr's can't tell us why it got bigger & they can't assure us that it won't burst again or that it won't still get bigger.


    So at 9:30 tommorrow morning, if you have a kind thought to spare, I would aprreciate since I am unable to be there with him & honestly, don't think I could take being there in the hospital as I was there 4 years ago.


    I'm trying to remember that I am a big strong brave girl!!


    Thanks guys.

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