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Livin' in New Orleans

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About Livin' in New Orleans

  • Rank
    Pop Quiz Kid

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    New Orleans/ St. Louis
  • Interests
    Music, History, Movies

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  1. I wouldn't call the Album underwhelming by any means...
  2. Solitaire is one of my favorite tracks on the album, so I agree with the other guy on this one
  3. I cannot complain, as I am pleased with (the Album). However, I just love this bonus track
  4. I love the album versions of Ashes, Poor Places, and Reservations... love them in the studio, and some of them have even more life live (IATTBYH, Ashes, etc)
  5. I also like the current rendition of I'm Always In Love... pretty rockin
  6. Yes. The part that starts with "Lazy Locomotives" is pretty breathtaking for me. I also love the recent renditions of Kamera
  7. No matter what, WIlco is simply kicking ass live.. they are so inventive, adding muscle and nuance to already great songs. I love it.
  8. I would have to say I am Trying to Break your Heart, but lately I think Bull Black Nova is pretty awesome
  9. There are soundboard recordings of the three night stand in St. Louis in 2008... pretty awesome
  10. 1. Merriweather Post Pavilion 2. Embryonic 3. Wilco (The album) 4. Veckatimest 5. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
  11. I would die of happiness if this magical event was to occur.
  12. Agreed. I tend to associate music with different times, and I started to think that W (TA) wasn't clicking, but now I realize that I associate it with the frenzied excitement of the leak, and then listening to the songs when the album came out in June.. it was a happy time, summer and all, and I associate the album with it
  13. I enjoy W(TA)... good songs, as a whole it doesn't match up to the others for me, but this could change with time. Regardless, the three song of Deeper Down, One Wing, and Bull Black Nova makes it wort it.. I also like Country Disappeared and Solitaire a lot.
  14. Radiohead may actually be recording another one...I am already excited
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