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Andrew McKean

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Status Updates posted by Andrew McKean

  1. Turns out that under all that new snow we just got is a really really hard layer of ice... and when you hit your head on it really hard, it hurts.

  2. Sick day shredding SunValleyTerrainParks with Logan Johnston and Michael Niedrich.

  3. "Well Siri seems like she is a drunken whore." -Kenneth McKean

  4. WEATHER ALERT : A strange white substance was seen falling from the sky this morning in Ketchum, Idaho. Ancient legends tell stories of such occurrences. The legends call the substance 'snow'. Government officials are urging people to stay inside until they find out more about this strange weather pattern.

  5. Hulu please stop asking me "which add experience I prefer" because I hate them all.

  6. Night skiing.... Anyone? Anyone?

  7. A full day of skiing pow with Adam Potts at Bridger Bowl. Doing it again tomorrow. Maybe college isn't so bad...

  8. In Bozeman about to shred the gnar with Adam Potts. Bridger + 40" + Junior ShredTeam = stoked.

  9. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. It was pretty damn fun being 18 but 19 shouldn't be to shabby.

  10. Rain rain go away. It's fucking January.

  11. So I turn 19 this Sunday but had no idea what that meant so I did some research. At age 19 - you stop being eligible for free primary and secondary education on 1 January after you turn 19 (although Special Education students are eligible until the end of the year that they turn 21 years of age)- if you are adopted you can prevent Births, Deaths and Marriages from giving your birth parents your contact detailsThis is going to be one crazy birthday with all my new privileges! WAHOOO!

  12. "Going to a Kids These Days concert with Dad (Kenneth McKean) is like going with Jimmy (Chrissy Boyce) to a retirement home." -Stuart Zach McKean

  13. Reel Rock 7. Sick. There are some inspiring people out there.

  14. Snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow!!!!!!!! Duncan Fuller Walker Nosworthy

  15. Fun day up at Galena.

  16. Happy Birthday Nels Cline! You are awesome!

  17. Dear Mullet, it's been a great run. We've laughed, we've cried and we have gotten many a strange look from people passing us by. But now your time has come and I wish you a safe journey back to the 80's from where you came. Love, Andrew.

  18. 22 hour bus ride from the Amazon to the Andes = Every Wilco album in chronilogical order.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving and opening day!!! Hope everyone is enjoying a snow and food filled holiday. For me... more humid Amazon.

  20. Amazon. Hot. Humid. Dusty. Parrots in my hotel and Pink Floyd being blast so loud so that the whole town can hear.

  21. One massive rain storm. Closest I've ever been to lightning. A pack full of metal pots and pans. Scary day but awesome hike from 18,000 ft down to the amazon.

  22. Off to the Amazon tomorrow with my machete to cut all the bugs that attack me in half.

  23. Obama gana. Presidencial elecion en Bolivia.

  24. Currently rockin´a mullet.

  25. Who is going to an international world cup qualifing game? This kid is!

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