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Posts posted by park

  1. Shhh.  I'm in hiding.  Seriously though, not much has changed.  The best thing to do would be to read through the exhaustive first year thread.  I've heard of locals renting rooms/houses but I really don't know how they set that up, must be elsewhere on the internet. 


    I searched for the original solid sound thread but can't find it.  Gone?


    Of course not, I think this is it:  http://viachicago.org/topic/43552-wilco-solid-sound-festival/


    There used to be a guy who posted here on Via Chicago--I think he posted under the name Park-- and possibly he could jump in here and offer us some suggestions. It really is a sellers market in terms of accommodations. But I would bet that there are some local real estate companies or some other kind of "underground" market that would have some homes or apartments that people might be willing to rent out.

  2. We'll probably have to listen to some avant-garde opening act to make the locals happy and then Wilco will open with that 12 minute Jane Smiley tune to put everyone into a really sleepy mood. If I was king for a day, I would have them blast the roof off the place and play nothing but loud noisy rockers. But, that's me.


    Locals being senior museum staff? Not that there aren't plenty of exceptions, but I'd say the majority of North Adams natives listen to top 40, radio-ready country. There's also a lot of death-by-bass-speaker action at stop lights.

  3. Did this JUST come out? Why did I think it's been out for a while already?


    It's been out and available for purchase. They were also exhibited at the first Solid Sound. He's good. You can see him snapping some in the Ashes of DVD.

  4. I think it's gross when people play concert police. I've seen pairs of people at shows not enjoying the show because they are shaking their heads, pointing at, and discussing somone with a phone raised somewhere in front. The person with the phone is usually oblivous to the disdain and having a great time. Personally, I'm more distracted by the agitation of the observers.


    I don't use a phone at concerts. I don't really care if other people do. Jeff doesn't pay me to. I'm not lame enough to think he might befriend me because I defend his sensibilities or am somehow closer to the band for forwarding their policies. I do think those who go in heavy for the policing are deluded in this way. Regardless, they are like the kid in the kindergarten class who thinks they're the teacher, which is just annoying. It's funny when Jeff rants about it, not so cute coming from nobody I know.


    I like to dance and I've gotten looks for this. I don't care. I like to talk occasionally because I'm there with people who like Wilco and we like to say "Did you see that?" or "They're playing it!" or "Do you want a beer?". Good luck getting me not to. I'm there for the experience and I'm not going to pretend I'm a musical Sherlock Holmes able to walk out examining every note played. If you don't want to deal with others, sit home and listen to a record or snatch up the live recording later.


    I don't think they got the full 1000 (capacity) bids. They were still telling people to get their bids in on Monday morning just before the bidding closed. I think it has a lot to due with the fact that it's on a Tuesday night in a small, out of the way town.


    I think you're probably right.

  6. They way the odds worked out on the lottery is so odd to me. Everyone I know who bid, won. I wish Megabucks was more like that. Who's willing to guess how many bids overall?

  7. As far as the weather, I urge you not even to ponder it.


    Nearly every day is "chance of thunderstorms" here all summer. It will either be nice or not as nice and that could change back and forth over the course of a few hours.


    When you want to plan a cookout here, you throw a dart at the calender. :yes

  8. Just checked out Clarksburg State Park, looks beautiful. However, this is vacation, and we'd likely want to indulge in a beer or two while we're there...


    Use party cups and you'll be fine...unless they make a thing out of it being Solid Sound weekend.


    I've never been hassled at a MA State Park including Clarksburg.

  9. call me cranky but...


    last year was just so easy, already this years production feels sullied. and, they haven't even announced the line up!


    these festival things, they become monsters. like, remember the first lolapalooza?


    the camping...did people camp last year, or is that a new addition? might be fun?


    Dear Cranky,

    There wasn't festival associated camping last year.

  10. Because it's an expensive town with two hotels (which are both already sold out) and not enough restaurants to support the number of people the festival will draw that's almost two hours from even regional airports and train stations. Last year was terrific, but there are plenty of more accessible places they could have tried this year. If you're not psychic and already booked a room, you're already pretty much screwed. I'm stressed out about logistics already and the dates haven't even been announced.


    What's expensive about it? If you can get a room at the Holiday Inn, it's no more expensive than hotels I've booked to see Wilco elsewhere. You can eat a five dollar meal at Jack's. This is not one of those old money Berkshire towns, hence the mill where the festival is held.


    I can understand your frustration in the limited accommodations but that makes the city small, not affluent or pricey.

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