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Posts posted by quarter23cd

  1. Obama will have to look to avoid the trap that winners of elections fall into:


    1. He cannot assume that the people who voted for him did so for the reasons that he assumes they did.

    2. He must not overreach.

    3. Electoral rhetoric cannot sustain an administration for any length of time.

    4. Presidents do not 'rule', the govern

    5. People are going to expect a follow through on promises; however, a President cannot play the 'payoff' game. Keeping the political base satisfied must take second place to the actual governance of the country

    6. One must stay focused but also be flexible.

    Shorter version: Don't be Bush.

  2. Wow, looking at the CNN map is killing me. I can't believe he has turned parts of the center of the country. It's just staggering.

    The only state that truly surprises me so far is Virginia, although not even really that one. NoVa now officially outweighs the "real" part of the state, which is interesting. And you can add NC and Indiana to the "wow" list if he squeaks those out.


    The stuff in the "middle"? Eh, the rust belt and upper midwest has a pretty strong Democratic pull. A lot of those state can swing either way, depending on the election--if Indiana flips blue I will be amazed to see the unity with which they went blue this time.

  3. I do not think you will be the only one.

    Good bye to the old boss. Hello to the new boss. Hey is that the old boss, but just in a photo negative?

    Eh, maybe. In any case, yeah, he's in for a barrage of criticism from all sides once he starts to actually govern, but that's the job he applied for. I think you'd have to be at least a little bit insane to want it, but he's shown great poise under fire so far. I think he'll do ok.

  4. Ok, I know it is only 6% reporting right now, but Barack is up in fucking Montana??? Wow.


    Seems strange that they haven't called Georgia yet, but looks like Atlanta is still only at 60%. I guess you never know. That would blow my mind.



    I know this thing is "over", but I can't help sit here and watch this stream in. I haven't even turned on the TV once tonight--just checked up on the online maps from time to time between trying to put the kids to bed and whatever. This is the first time I've really sat down to take it all in. Amazing. Just amazing.


    Cynical bastard that I am, I hope Obama realizes I'll set to work bitching about him pretty quickly once he's in office--but for tonight I'm a big, big fan. Wow.

  5. how does McCain even have a chance when the cash flow on the Democrat ticket is so enourmous?

    I agree with you about the money thing. If I'm remembering correctly, I think but in past elections didn't Bush have a significant money advantage, too? There's something to be said for "he with the dough, wins". The reason for the influx of Obama cash is that there are a crapload of motivated people on this side of things. I've never donated to a political campaign before, but made a few smallish contributions to Obama...and I'm assuming there are a lot of people like me, which adds up to a lot. Money, in and of itself, doesn't win elections. But it helps.

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