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About TBPlayer

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  • Birthday 06/14/1980

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Being There
    Mermaid Avenue Vol 1
    Mermaid Avenue Vol 2
    Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
    A Ghost Is Born
    Sky Blue Sky
    Wilco (The Album)
    The Whole Love

    and other things
  1. Great show, loved all the Being There tunes. Also really enjoyed hearing You Are My Face again live, I wasn't expecting to dig the two Sky Blue Sky tunes as much as I did.... but then again, how could you not love Nels on Impossible Germany? The venue wasn't my favorite though, not a fan of how low the stage was. Pretty hard to see the band unless you were towards the front or in the limiited balcony space. Sounded great though, can't wait for the next two nights in LA!
  2. Hi everybody. I had originally bought a single ticket to go to this show, but have since found 2 seats together that I purchased so I can go with a friend. That leaves me with my original single seat that I'd like to sell to a fellow Wilco fan for $60. It's located in the Balcony, row F, seat 509. I can meet you in LA this week either at one of the other two Wilco shows on Tuesday or Thursday, during the day in the Valley near Burbank, or Friday before the show at the Los Angeles Theater downtown. Send an email to kimballshirley@gmail.com if you're interested! Thanks!
  3. Hey Everybody. I have 1 extra ticket for the Los Angeles Palladium Show (1/24/12) and 1 extra ticket for the Los Angeles Wiltern show (1/25/13) that I need to sell. Both are GA tickets and I'm asking face value of course, which I believe was $60 each. Please send me an email if interested. Thanks! kimballshirley@gmail.com
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