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Posts posted by TLF18

  1. Great band. Probably the best live show I've ever seen. That "best band in hip hop" tag they get so often is an insult, because they're one of the most skilled bands out there, period. So much fun to watch.



    Their discography is terrific too, especially lately. They're one of the most consistently excellent bands out there, and the kind of act that can pull in true hip hop fans, casual fans, and even people who claim to hate hip hop. They get some love on here in the Now Playing threads, but not enough.


    great points.


    and not only are they one of the best of any genre, that tag is also insulting, cuz while many acts might have a backing "band" for certain appearances, how many live band are there really in hip-hop? so it's a double-edged insult dressed up as a compliment.


  2. yea, whether it's Bruce Spingsteen or Ryan Adams... Wilco or Avetts... somehow these online sales (AND pre-sales for "the fans") are a total clusterfuck full of errors and timeouts for all us regular peeps, and yet they can "efficiently" sellout within minutes and somehow, luckily, magically, all the best tickets end up in the hands of the brokers? coincidence? dont think so....

  3. first, i highly recommend that interview. what a way with words/analogies. dude is oddly interesting/deep and funny.


    i enjoyed the one listen to the stream....


    never got into him, but i've always WANTED to like him. i had swordfishtrombones on a cassette years ago. i always ask what's the best one, or the easiest/best one for a newbie. maybe it's swordfish, maybe it's Frank's Wild Years, a lot of people recommend Mule Variations as the best starting point. i have no clue. but i kinda dug the new one. and he seems cool as hell.

  4. i'm with Nodep5 and ShakespeareAlley on this one. yea, he's prone to immature hissy fits SOMETIMES... but he's mostly hilarious and odd (and he is actually very gracious and nice if you've ever met him) and all that said WHO CARES.


    Ashes & Fire is great. loved it on first listen, but it's also a grower, so if you dont think it's all that, give it some more spins/time.


    Benmont Tench kills the keyboards on this one....


    too early to say for sure, but i'd put it up there with Heartbreaker, Cold Roses, JCN, and LiH, as his best albums.

  5. i might be the only one who just doesn't get Automatic. sure, some good stuff, i dont HATE it. but just find it way overrated.


    i love the first 5 albums, so in general that mid/late mellow style just never worked for me. but i did love Collapse Into Now.


    but yes: person who said they might need to check out the pre-automatic stuff.... ABSOLUTELY!

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