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Status Updates posted by parisisstale

  1. Mark Herzlich: "2 years ago i was told i might never walk again...just walked off the plane in Indy for the Super Bowl....Take that cancer"

  2. victor cruz, best thing from paterson since joe clark!they used to call me crazy joe, now they call me batman!

  3. RU Sanu's last 2 games: 29 rec, 295 yd, 3 TD

  4. it's weird hearing jon anik call an RU football game...."mohammed sanu with the headkick"

  5. from mom: we were at grandma's house playing cards when you decided to enter the world...allman brothers "ramblin man" was playing as we drove to hackensack hospital in the ford pinto! love you foreverallman's...nice!thanks for all the love people....enjoy your weekends! cheers!

  6. let's go RU....huge game for the program today

  7. got a twitter-headache trying to keep up with the strasburg updates....tarp on, tarp off, he's in the dugout, he's in the outfield

  8. i just saw a debate on some popular network about whether mark sanchez needs to show more leadership....HE"S WON 4 ROAD PLAYOFF GAMES in 2 YRS!!!

  9. seeing the wave at a 1/2 full petco in a one run game in the 8th is pretty funny

  10. who's glad they're not playing in the ESPN golf outing today........this guy....hope they brought their ponchos

  11. exploration time in boston....actually all i need is a dunkin donuts & a newbury comics and i'm straight...shouldn't be too difficult

  12. Teein' it up w/ floyZo & bacon

  13. Lil Ben's Wedding

  14. Sean McDonough on British Open??? Just weird. I'm expecting Rudy Gay to tee off next.

  15. survived my 14-hr shift....didn't feel a minute over 13.5

  16. alex morgan just gained 1.2 million twitter followers

  17. Nice....I was too lazy....got my Espn offer the next day thou....good week

  18. Off to Solid Sound - Wilco, Thurston and Levon await!

  19. in the bronx - yankees matinee

  20. apparently i missed the story of brian sabean's lobotomy

  21. thou the nba is once again dead to me, inside the nba will remain a "must-dvr"...best sports show period

  22. anyone up for knicks/celtics tonight in boston...decently priced tix are available...i'll drive

  23. not to beat a dead horse but it all happened right in front of me & i like beating dead horses...you wanna call the offensive foul on melo there, fine, but the no call on the hip check/trip on kj is inexcusable...oh, and the combined energy between the fenway and td crowds yesterday rivaled the energy at my buddy's mother's mahjong game...tues anyone? 250 tic at the 'real' garden you can scam for 50 in beantown

  24. my next girl, she'll be nothing like my ex girl

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