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Everything posted by belfast2

  1. Have you heard "Monomania" yet? It's actually in the running for my favorite album of the year, just behind the Savages' debut. It's still heavy on the distortion, but it's poppier than the earlier albums.
  2. Still have these, I was going to Chicago to see this with some relatives, but the trip is falling apart, so now I have a pair of GA tickets to sell. They were bought via Ticketmaster, and I *think* I can just transfer them over to your name once your payment clears. At that point, you should be able to download them immediately from Ticketmaster's website and print them out yourself. (If this is a problem, let me know - I can always print them and mail them to you myself.) I prefer Chase QuickPay, but we can always arrange something else, like meeting in Chicago, etc. I'm asking for $79
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