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Posts posted by randomname

  1. Regarding presale codes: I think there are two presales. Wilcoworld tomorrow (which as far as I know there are no codes for) and ticketmaster Thursday. I can't find the ticketmaster code either. If someone could PM the code to me I'd much appreciate it.

  2. As far as the title, I think it is problematic, and is deliberately meant to be so. I've read the first 5 volumes. The 6th hasn't been published in English yet, where comments on Nazism are, as you say, direct. The only overt political comments I can recall from the first 5 books were merely some gentle ribbing of Swedish society and a self-description of himself as a "materialist in my heart of hearts", or something to that effect.

    I've read quite a few Knausgaard interviews (and saw one in person at the New Yorker festival a couple years ago). On the one hand, I've heard him describe the title as, in some way, a "provocation", but I don't think it's a reckless one. I believe it's bound up in ideas of taboo. He's described how Hitler's autobiography is one of the few (only?) books that will cause discomfort in people when seen reading it in public. The level of detail with which Knausgaard describes his own experiences and especially those of his family and friends was extremely controversial in Norway when first published. I think there is perhaps a comment on the taboo, or forbidden, in the use of "My Struggle" as a title.

    That is one, maybe superficial, explanation. The book is very layered and I trust there are many more reasons for choosing that particular title. On a literal level, it is very much the story of his "struggle" (with becoming a writer, becoming a father and a husband, and probably most importantly, reckoning with his own distant, alcoholic, and emotionally traumatic father's death).

    I do sometimes wish he had chosen a different title, because the "provocation" does exactly what it is supposed to do and causes understandable anxieties in people who haven't read the books. But who am I to take issue with his motives? I firmly believe it's not a gimmick, anyway.


    It's funny you should mention Proust, who Knausgaard acknowledges as a major influence. I've also tried and failed with Remembrance of Things Past several times. But I've personally found there is something very addictive about the My Struggle books that makes them much more of a page-turner than Proust. Knausgaard's book is definitely less polished and formally structured than Proust's. I wouldn't let the bulky size of the books intimidate me.

    Next time you're in a bookstore, read just the first few pages of the first volume. It's very beautiful stuff.

  3. Your description sounds like it could be Karl Ove Knausgaard. I'm a big fan of his writing. His My Struggle books are just amazing and recount his own life experiences. I remember in one volume he mentions listening to Summerteeth, and I've since seen him in interviews wearing a Wilco t-shirt, so it would make sense that he'd go to a Wilco show!

    Would be pretty cool if it was him!

  4. Man, that was incredible. What a performance. And whoever edited this did a top notch job and has obviously seen Wilco before, always getting the right picture at the right time.

    Amazing how you can always get something new from these songs. At the very end of Bull Black Nova, at the "pick up" part, that last guitar riff seemed like a telephone line going dead. Maybe that's either completely obvious or completely misguided, but it never occurred to me before. 

  5. Went for the LA bundle. Listening to night 3 now. Great stuff, and in my humble opinion Jeff has never sounded better.

    Anyone know what the sporadic cheering during Kamera was about? I'm guessing  it has something to do with that changing set background I read about in the reviews...

  6. Perhaps the funniest bit from Jeff, though, came midway through the main set when went he went on a mini-rant about people ranking albums and the like (has he been reading that rather annoying thread in another section of this forum, I wonder?) At any rate, unprompted, he thought aloud: "Why do people rank records? It's like ranking friends. ... You meet a new person and say, 'This guy's way better than the guy you grew up with.' Just think about it and submit some writing to our Web site if you want to pursue the analogy." Jeff then went on to jokingly equate ranking records to ranking Monet paintings, quipping, "Waterlillies? Meh." :lol



    Now I feel bad for participating in this thread. As atonement, I have compiled the list below:


    1. Water-Lilies, Reflection of a Weeping Willow

    2. Water-Lilies and Agapanthus

    3. Yellow and Lilac Water-Lilies

    4. Water-Lilies (study)

    5. The Water-Lily Pond and Bridge

    6. The Bridge over the Water-Lily Pond

    7. Water-Lily Pond, Water Irises

    8. Water-Lily Pond, Symphony in Rose

    9. The Water-Lily Pond (also known as Japanese Bridge)

    10. Water-Lilies, Evening Effect

  7. I can't bring myself to sell a Wilco ticket on Stubhub, so I'm giving this ticket away for FREE.

    Just promise me you will put the ticket to good use (use it yourself or give it to a friend). Please don't take advantage of this offer to resell the ticket.

    First person to PM me gets the ticket.



    EDIT: Ticket is gone

  8. Are hotels in San Francisco normally this pricey? Might have made a mistake booking the 5 show ticket...

    Anyone have any advice on the area (or want to let me crash on their couch? ;))


  9. So it turns out I can't go to this show afterall... :ohwell Friday Sept 2.

    I have a single available. It was $65 dollars including fees.


    Section: MAINL (I think this means Main Left?)

    Row: N

    Seat: 5


    I can transfer the ticket to you through Ticketmaster.

    Let me know if you're interested.

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