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Everything posted by Amandatory

  1. During the Wilco sets each night I found myself surrounded by other fans who were into Wilco, so didn’t notice this feeling you were getting. However, I was taking it easy during the openers by hanging near the sound booth, which also had a fenced off area for peeps with badges. I ended up having to forgo leaning on the nice fence as those people never stopped talking. I did assume that some of the rooms were taken up by people who were there for the vacation or what have you. But assumed those were the people hanging back at the shows.
  2. Was sitting just under the lip of the balcony for this one. The crowd did stand up when Jeff mentioned it. I was surprised at the amount of sitters prior to that moment. The one moment of chatter interruptus came by a giggler during reservations. Which after the near silence of the crowd in Bellingham during that lovely song, really ticked me off. I love concerts in small towns for this reason. People generally are there to see the music…not be seen.
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