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Posts posted by oceanman

  1. What's that guys name from Zero,Jerry Garcia was his life mentour.


    Why can't I think of his name? A-Man's got it for sure,what the hell is his name?.......................................


    Oh yeah,Steve Kimmock.I saw him play with Trey once and he completely blew him away.


    Mark Knophler might be my fav right now.

  2. o man, did you end up staying at the White Glove? :lol

    Laughing my ass off!


    No I did not stay at the OJ Motel!



    90 dollars for a week was rather tempting though!


    You know I drove through to make sure your Jeep wasn't there!If the Girly's were there.I was in!


    We could of ordered popcorn an a hoocker for atleast the price of a poster!Jeff could of signed her TaTa's!


    I miss you guys already. :wub


    Spell Check"hoocker",I've never had to spell that one.

  3. My buddy commented that you resembled your avatar that night, green shirt and all. Let's jut say that you were pretty happy.




    Nice meeting you.


    Donna has pics to send you, by the way.

    Nice seeing you to,I got a room a quarter of a mile away from the venue just in case I had a few drinks,well I guess I did.The people around me kept buying me Jager Bombs,oh the temptation!I really would of enjoyed that cup of joe with you guys,and needed it!Lets just say the next night I drank alot of water.I hope I didn't ofend anyone,I'm usally still a pretty nice guy after a few cocktails.



    I can't waite for those pics,I think we were all a pretty handsome crew.


    Oh yeah,Jeff looked pretty good as well. :yay What a great man he is!

  4. i've heard jeff alternating between the two.


    sepaking of the tune, hmm, i havent seen it in setlists latelt :hmm

    Your right on the money............................both of em.

  5. Hey there. I'm new to this site but I was the guy in the front row with my little brother as the drunk guy was getting a little rough. I have a gigantic amount of respect for Jeff after what he did for me, my brother and my friends.

    Hello and welcome


    I think the drinking age should be raised!Why some people can't handle their intake of alchohol is a mystery to me.Non drinking shows could appear in the future.It would kind of suck for the rest of us who can compose themselves,but oh well.I myself enjoy a tasty beverage at shows,hell,make that a few of them but didn't your mothers teach you RESPECT? :cheers to those who can act in a human fashion!

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