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Posts posted by oceanman

  1. It really comes down to two things.


    1.Can you fart in front of her?


    2.Can she fart in front of you?


    If the answer for 1. is yes,were on a good start,if answer is no,whoose problem is this.


    If the answer for 2. is yes,and you can laugh at it without puking,that's the one,if answer to 2. is a no..........................my friend you are fucked in the worst way.



    Sorry for the brutal reality of love!

  2. You know what,I don't think this is such a bad idea.Why not go out on a good note,with a bang.I got into them on their first release and loved them,years to come I have kind of dismissed them because of personal preference.I've made my Thille jokes for sure,just as fun,but the man can play.Making Chris play in the same band year after year is kind of like caging an endangered animal.Sara could have a really great solo carrer,damn her voice is great,and Sean,well I would love to see him go into a whole new direction with musical styles.

  3. Yeah, the Pageant is pretty lame, but it's basically all we've got for mid-sized venues.

    Remember the American Theatre.......................holy crap that was the best place to see a show hands down,now they've redone it and it's not the same. :hmm



    I bet Reni remembers some good one's there!I even remember a Megadeath sow that rocked! :rock

  4. For one your points make completely no sense at all.


    1.How do you know if I have ever even seen Wilco before from my 1st post.

    2.How was I whinning about setlists,when I was responding to another post saying that a second set with all AGIB tunes would rock,which I responded to in a jokingly manner.Either way I still think that would suck.


    I think you acussing me of all this made up bullshit is pure nonsense,have you ever been to a show with me?

    Have I ever said I had a bad time at a show?

    Why in all of god's great world would I go see a band I didn't like?


    Agib pretty much changed my life................

    The definition as of why is no concern to you!


    Talking down to someone is really not that cool,you have no idea what Wilco means to me,nor for that matter do I wan't to share with you now.I always like and respected your posts,but come on man,you have no right to advise me on evaulating why I should see live music.And as far as talking about the new tunes,read post above.



    I hope this is all a misunderstanding,and someday we can laugh at this all while at a Wilco show and listening to a song I don't care too much for.



    Through music we can change the world!



    Your VC friend........Ryan

  5. Watch out , you might get malled by a bear on this thread!As for me,I may be an idot but I like what your sellin'.Maybe I just need to see more solo shows,but god damn,I love the new tunes.I think we might be headed in a new direction.




    Be Not So Afraid......................................to do what ever the hell ya wan't to on stage.

  6. Well I'm glad some of us have money to burn on shows they don't really give a damn about. I wish I was so lucky.




    I'm one of those people whose concert motto is "If you don't like how they set it up, what they play, or what they do on stage, don't even go." Just don't whine about it later because you've seen the band 30 times and all the shows are "running together" or say "I've seen them play Spiders 18 times and I'm sick of it!" It's stupid and, when you think about it, why are you going if you know that you're not going to really wanna hear half of what they play? :punch It just doesn't make sense to me.

    Good point,your right I don't give a damn about Wilco shows,sorry your not so lucky!I am glad that it is O.K. with you to tell people who should go to shows or not.I am planning on going to the Springfeild and Wichita shows,please PM and let me know if it's alright if I go.I'm also sorry for going to back to back shows and wanting to hear different tunes,I am so sorry for saying the first night wasn't so great but they played CandyFloss the next night and that rocked.I know,I know,it's so wrong to go to a show wanting to hear a certain song or songs for that matter........shame on me.


    Next time you go and make an observation like that,you better know me personally. :thumbup

  7. I am on the side of the two sets. Wouldn't it be great to see a show where the first part of the show is their new material and some favorites, and then the second set come back and play A Ghost is Born (with drone) in its entirety? That would be amazing.

    That would be great for us who are tired of AGIB,and could know ahead of time when to go home. :cheers

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