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Nobody Girl

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Posts posted by Nobody Girl

  1. also caliber and i have tix to see Os vs Red Sox in September so maybe can meet up.

    My schedule is all over the place, but I'd probably be able to swing something if it's during the day.


    Also there's a VC fantasy baseball league--you in this year?

    I want to, but I don't think that draft time will work for me. ;)


    ok. here's what you do. any opportunity you can, you absolutely must screw over Peter Angelos in any way you can in the paper. Mis-spell is name, state his age as 20 years older than he is, mention what a tiny little penis he has, whatever.


    Sadly, this doesn't seem strong enough. How about sneaking in scathing editorial with a headline that reads "DIE! DIE! DIE! (or at sell the team, fer chrissakes)"



    If only I were in charge...

  2. A very belated thanks for the great info, even though I ended up in the burbs, out near Perry Hall/White Marsh. I really wanted to live in Fells Point, but parking was dicey at every apartment I looked at (I work pretty late, so I didn't want to have to park blocks away).

  3. Heavy Metal Drummer (Yankee Hotel Foxtrot) -- Wilco


    The Black Angel's Death Song (Velvet Underground & Nico) -- Velvet Underground


    Western Homes (Wowee Zowee) -- Pavement


    The Day John Henry Died (The Dirty South) -- Drive-By Truckers


    Withering Heights (Jacksonville City Night) -- Ryan Adams


    Flamenco Sketches (Kind of Blue) -- Miles Davis


    Untitled (In the Aeroplane Over the Sea) -- Neutral Milk Hotel


    Mayfly (If You're Feeling Sinister) -- Belle & Sebastian


    Death of a Salesman (The Great Destroyer) -- Low


    10:20 a.m. (Girls Can Tell) -- Spoon

  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2661928


    "We're not moving to Timbuktu, we're going down the road in our mind," A's owner Lew Wolff said. "We're doing the best we can."


    And all Wolff will say now regarding his team's new name is that there will be something in front of the phrase "Athletics of Fremont."


    Ugh. I have so little; now I can't even continue to make fun of the Angels for their ridiculous name because my team will have one, too.

  5. First off, I don't have a setlist, I'm hoping someone will post it on the Decemberists board soon. I think they played everything off the new album though, plus Red Right Ankle, Legionnaire's Lament, A Gymnast High Above The Ground, 16 Military Wives, A Cautionary Song, and We Both Go Down Together.


    Everyone came out in full on Ninja gear. Actually, we had a preview of their costumes when the opening band was infiltrated by masked folks in black crouched behind amps during one song. Most of the band took the hoods off pretty quickly but Jenny and Chris stuck it out through the whole main set. It was pretty damn amusing to see a ninja bobbing around behind an organ and playing an accordion.


    The best part of the evening was the encore. After a wonderful costume contest (the Chimbley Sweep 'swept' it), Colin announced that they were now going by "R.E.M. Ninjas" and the band proceeded to play Begin The Begin, Cuyahoga, and Superman. Then they broke into a medley of covers by other artists. I'm sorry to say I can't remember what all the songs were because it was so crazy on stage. All of the costumed contestants were asked to stay and dance with the band through the entire 1/2 hour encore. I was so entertained watching The Crane Wife do the bump with Chris, and The Chimbley Sweep's sword duel with The Shankhill Butcher, I wasn't really paying attention to the medley. I think Wooden Ships was in there, as well as a Velvet Underground song. Beyond that, I'm clueless.


    I hope to god someone was recording this show.


    EDIT: It's coming back to me now. A Cautionary Song was the first song of the encore, and then the rest of the time was covers. The 3 REM songs, and a bunch of others melding together. I'm pretty positive "Wooden Ships" by CSNY began it and "What Goes On" by Velvet Underground ended it.



    Lucky! I won't be expecting all that tonight, but I'm still pretty excited to be seeing them.

  6. At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old man, what's with all the fan shots and replays? A routine foul ball, grounder, swing and miss do not warrent multiple replays. And six different fan shots before a pitch might be a bit excessive. Fox seems to be doing its best to prove the best way to witness a baseball game away from the stadium is on radio.

    And you've gotta love it when they reduce the game to a little box on your TV because they are showing a pointless interview or one of those goofy player profiles.

  7. Opening Credits:

    We Gathered in Spring -- Midlake


    Waking Up:

    I'm Sticking With You (Demo) -- The Velvet Underground



    Shiver -- Coldplay


    Fight Song:

    Moonshiner -- Uncle Tupelo


    Breaking up:

    Long Ago -- Mariah Carey



    House Burning Down -- Jimi Hendrix



    Some Cities -- Doves


    Mental Breakdown:

    My Eyes Have Seen You -- The Doors



    Anji -- Simon & Garfunkel



    Of Angels and Angles -- The Decemberists


    Getting Back Together:

    Nothingsevergonnastandinmyway (again), live -- Jeff Tweedy



    Africa -- Toto


    Birth of Child:

    Cool It Down -- The Velvet Underground


    Final Battle:

    Piece of My Heart -- Big Brother & the Holding Company


    Death Scene:

    In the Midnight Hour -- Jackie Wilson


    Funeral Song:

    School Day -- Chuck Berry


    End Credits:

    Margo and Harold -- Drive-By Truckers

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