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Vacant Horizon

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Posts posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. It'll be interesting to see if anyone carries on with The Dead mantle when Mickey, Billy and Bob are done.  Phil's done touring.  The pedigree is there for the music to continue.  Maybe even some new music.  JK, Jeff, Molo, Oteil.  Mayer will probably keep the ball rolling.  


    Not much more can be said about post Jerry era and this 50th anniversary.  The boys tried their best over the years and there were moments of brilliance.  Lots of attempts at paying homage to the Grateful Dead.  Unfortunately, no real attempt at moving it forward with new music and a steady line up.  I do think Bruce could've become the de facto leader if he'd had the interest.  Alas, he choose to focus on his goofy adult contemporary projects  :twitchsmile


    Getting old and seeing your musical heroes get old is a sobering and fairly bittersweet experience.  Where did the time go?  20 years ago, the Grateful Dead, and music in general, totally defined my life and gave me so much excitement. Now, 'real life' has settled in with it's ominous adult concerns.  Sure would be great to hit a few shows each summer like the old days.


    Just rambling.  Thanks for the recent reviews of the latest shows.  Still digesting PLQ '01.  Good stuff, but is it possible there is too much jamming?  Warren seems to run out of ideas.  And, was Cumberland ever conceived as a 20 minute jam vehicle?   :wave

  2. Agree on Bob not being able to lead a band to save his life. Last time I saw Ratdog, the other musicians were watching him wondering what the hell he would do next, and he's just off in his own little world. He needs some stronger personalities and musicians to keep him in check. 


    Bruce really was a waste of talent at FTW. Not sure why they bothered inviting him.


    Got the Relisten app on my phone, so listened to the 2/18/01 Q show while working out (humble brag). Only got through the first 2 songs in 45 minutes. Pretty good energy jamming and all, but a bit too much to start a show.


    I really hoped Bruce would come in and at least throw some weight around with the hope that he wouldn't look stupid.  Oh (Fare Thee)Well.  Will probably check out some Phil after my self induced hiatus.

  3. Pretty relevant statement on FTW and Trey vs. Mayer from Weir given some of the discussion in here:


    How does Mayer compare to Phish's Trey Anastasio, who was part of the "Fare Thee Well" shows?

    "It's hard to compare them," Weir said. "John plays a lot of way cool blues licks that Jerry never did. Trey has his own wheelhouse, but we couldn't manage to get as much rehearsal in as I would have liked. For me, Trey was the MVP of that event, but I think we all could have done a bit better in all our given roles with more rehearsal."




    Ridiculous that they didn't really rehearse as a full band for FTW, given their magnitude, and that they've since become the highest grossing event by a single band in concert history. Hard not to be cynical about that. It was a fun event, but musically could've been so much more. 


    This really pisses me off.  It was my expectation though and they delivered.  You could tell everyone was just following Bob, who can't lead a band to save his live. Trey was hesitant because he had no idea what was coming next.  I'm sure Bob called songs that they hadn't rehearsed.  I don't know why Bruce put up with it. Or any of them, for that matter.


    What the hell were they doing all spring?!  There's no excuse for not rehearsing.  GD could get away with it because they were a seasoned band of many decades.  That doesn't work in a one off.  


    As far as listened to post-jerry stuff, I'm just kind of taking a break from all of it now.  The hype has just exhausted me.  I do listen to the Ratdog studio album and the Other Ones live set once in a while.  I'd pick up a curated set of Dead and Co like that set.

  4. Dark Star Orchestra for me because I like the way they play the songs better than the other bands.  Its also a helluva lot cheaper than going to see D&C and in much smaller venues.  My answer might be different if I hadn't seen the Grateful Dead so many times.


    I have not seen JRAD and I know a lot of people hold them in high esteem, but the videos I've watched have not impressed me.  I don't think Russo alone on drums is sounds beefy enough.  He doesn't do anything that impressive to me.  Same for the bass.  If you want a great rock 'n' roll band, you gotta have a great rhythm section and JRAD, IMO, does not.


    DSO is just so tight.  And, yes, they play the arrangements I've become accustomed to.  Also, it's no hassle to see them and it is cheap!

  5. TP has referred to Echo as his divorce record, and one made during the darkest period of his life, many times.


    As for '70s songwriters maintaining quality, nobody can touch Tom Waits.  Zero bad albums.


    No argument there.  Great post.  Waits has known when he's got something good to put out.  

  6. Some can argue Springsteen...but I like the most recent Petty albums more

    It'd be tough to convince me. Petty has had a few missteps production wise, but the songwriting has remained strong. I guess the Sam could be said of Bruce. Neil Young's output over the last decade has been awful, with few bright spots. Dylan, of course has Ben killing it since Out Of Time.

  7. So, if D&C, DSO and JRAD were playing your town on the same night, who would you go see?


    I was going to include Phil in that quiz, but at least for me it depends on who's in his band on any given night, so I left him out.  Of those 3, I know how I would answer.


    Good question. I'm so finicky about post Jerry stuff. Probably JRAD. You?

    I really enjoyed the show last night.  Ended up in GA and got there about 6:30 and was two people off the rail in between Oteil and John and had an incredible view.  I'd heard enough YouTube performances of the slowed down Cold Rain & Snow so I was prepped for that, but the slower pace on Bertha really bummed me out.  That's pretty much the only song I thought the tempo was an issue.  One of my favorite parts of the night were the interplay between Jeff & John.  They did this thing near the end (Morning Dew?) where John would do a little solo riff, then Jeff would mimic it on his organ and they were cracking each other up.  John more than held his own up there and, being so close, i could really see the interplay between him and Bob and it was just super cool.  You could really tell that John was in awe of sharing the stage with those guys.

    Jeff really is nailing it. And, it's obvious everyone his having fun! Good for the :)

  8. Good set list last night. I figured Stranger and Help/Slip were up. I thought about heading down to look for a cheap ticket. Played chess with kids (10 and 7 year-olds who kill me!) and went to bed early instead. I've liked what I've heard and Oteil really seems to be opening up. Just can't get past Mayer's stage presence and the slow tempo. Set lists really look like latter day Dead. That pre-drums is just a dream set :)


    I gotta say, I'd much rather see DSO these days.

  9. Yeah, it is great.  I guess the tune Wild Heart got reworked in the studio by producers or something.  The album version is very different.  Still some great songs on those solo albums.  Would love to see her revisit some hits in an acoustic setting.  


    She is damn cute.  All of her facial expressions etc.  Nothing better than seeing an artist totally be into their performance.  I've heard some good things about her recent outtakes set.  May have to check that out.  

  10. I was at this show too. And had to break up a fight, at a Dead show. I couldn't believe it. 


    Aside from the fight I saw a dude pass out so hard I thought he was dead. Another person carried out by four people, also unconscious. Not particularly good vibes in the back/upper portion of the arena. 



    This being said, the music coming from the stage was outstanding. 


    The songs were so slow people were either passing out or fighting  :headbonk

  11. Whether its worth $100 or some other $xx amount is a personal choice. I can't recommend you spend it, or not.  I spent a little over $100 for a good seat in the lodge once I decided I wanted to go.  But that's me, once I decide I want to go spending $125 for a single seat (I would think longer if this was a show my wife wanted to go to) isn't an issue.  Also blew almost half a day of work to get out to Worcester in time.  But bottom line for me is I had a great time (despite the sluggish mid-tempo of every first set song) and would go again if they were playing tonight.  I think this is an excellent version of a GD band.  I suggest you see them, how much to spend I can't weigh in on.

    Listening to Mayer's solo on Dear Prudence starting at about the 5:00 minute mark may help you make your decision




    Right, if you really want to go, then cost is not an issue. Thanks for the link :-)

  12. I have a floor ticket available for me for the Atlanta show next week.  $100…not sure it's worth it.  I don't want to get there and be all pissed off by the sluggish tempo of all the songs.  It's ironic, because Bob was playing some tunes (Jack Straw, Playin') so fast in the latter years of the Dead.  I do like Mayer's playing though.  Totally compelling.  And, of course I love drums and Bob's playing.  I watched some of the webcast last week, and just kind of got bored though.  From the reviews here, it sounds like a pretty goo time.  Not sure.

  13. This band actually rehearsed, as opposed to doing two warm up shows in San Jose instead. And removing Phil not only removes a source of personal tension among members of the band, but also one less dominant point of view on the direction the music should take. Fewer cooks to ruin the broth. Also, much less pressure and hype than FTW. I think those factors are more significant than what Mayer brings to the table, but certainly everyone's perception is reality in the land of the Dead. Just one show so far, kinda have to roll my eyes at how hyped it is getting. The last Dead tour with Warren had some incredible lows, but when they were on, those night would blow the Albany show out of the water. 


    Good points. It's just so glaring how much better this band is playing than the FTW gig.  But, FTW did have some moments and was a completely different vibe.


    Really to bad about the tempos.  Stranger used to just be this monster of a song.  Now it's like a dirge.  


    I really wasn't a fan of '09 Dead.  Warren does not fit and was a hesitant player, unlike Mayer.  Again, IMHO.

  14. Nice contribution, radiowilco. Thanks. As much as I dig and appreciate Trey, I think Mayer sounds and fits more naturally in the outfit, even after hearing only half a show. 


    He's what the boys have needed all along.  Someone one who fits in but is not a Jerry clone.  His energy and presence is so confident.  Others in that role have been so hesitant.  I would love if Mayer could take more of a lead and speed up some tunes and sing all the Jerry tunes.  I do miss Phil, but Oteil was doing some cool stuff.  He played some different root notes here and there totally changing he sound of the songs.  So interesting.  Also, watching Billy was so fun!  He was into it! Oh, and the stage set up was so damn cool.  Big SYF.

  15. Damn, I forgot!  Good setlist.  If this sounds good, I might go.  It will really be weird if these shows are better than FTW…which I'm sure they will be in some ways.



    Cold Rain

    T. Jed


    He's Gone

    Bird Song






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