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Posts posted by Degenerex

  1. someone just told me that a new music torrent site will be opening up to try to take the place of Oink and it will be found at waffles.fm The only thing is... its invite only from day 1? So if any of you are the handful of people opening the site, can I get an invite?

  2. I was wondering if anybody with some experience can help me out. My sister is due on November 13th (she is having a girl) and I'm extremely excited since she will be the first baby in the family. I also just got a promotion at my job, and am going baby toy/clothes shopping crazy lately. I was just wondering if anybody who has children themselves could recommend any newborn toys or items that would help my sister out.


    Most of all, I'd love it if said toys were music related since my niece is going to become the rock star I never was. (just kidding of coarse). Thanks in advance!

  3. Jeff did say that the band requested "Too Far Apart." They've been playing it at every show lately, which is as it should be as far as I'm concerned. So much fun.


    yeah, before they went into Too Far Apart, Jeff said "we requested this one"


    He was in a fantastic mood and there was some priceless banter, but I loved at the end of Red Eyed and Blue (after the whistling) and I think it may have been at the end of Too Far Apart when he just sarcastically said "Nailed It".

  4. I was there, and I fully agree. Rage put on one hell of a show. I thought the sound was pretty bad for QOTSA, but its the third time I've seen them and the third time I've left saying that, so maybe the speakers aren't always to blame. But just seeing Morello play these songs live was worth the money, ruined clothes, and bruises.

  5. I also had an amazing time this weekend. I won't write a full review, but my favorite sets of the weekend were: Sonic Youth (completely blew me away), Voxtrot, Clipse, Battles, Sea and Cake, Klaxons, Stephen Malkmus (if you get a chance to see him solo, don't miss it), and my MVP for the weekend was Of Montreal. If you've never seen them live, I guess the best way to put it is they put on a Flaming Lips-type set, only with less man-bubble and more man-skin. All in all a great weekend. Glad everyone seemed to have a good time!

  6. I'm going through a pretty rough time right now, and I was just wondering what albums or songs you all turn to when you're feeling down. I've loved Sky Blue Sky from the moment I heard it, but due to my recent hardships I've grown to look at it from a whole different angle and now enjoy it even more. I'm basically just looking for some suggestions. Thanks.

  7. I'm late on this one... but just like to say that Zappa is on my short list of greatest men to ever live. Have every album, and since there is so much material, I feel like I haven't even begun to fully realize his importance to the music business in my 23 short years of existence.


    Watermelon in Easter Hay has brought me to tears.

  8. I bet some Volkswagon execs just wanted the seats. :lol


    Okay, there was my smart ass comment, but in all seriousness, I'm sorry man, and if I were you I'd call the venue to get the real story, don't even bother with Ticketmaster.

  9. Slightly off topic, but can anyone drop knowledge on how they use the site (Oink, that is) to find newly uploaded stuff? My ratio is fine, but barely. And I always tend to learn about new leaks by the time 4000 seeders are there which hurts the ratio.


    Do folks just check every day? Run the same searches for "Ryan Adams Easy Tiger" every day?


    If you're a power user+ you can use the Top 10 Feature and jump on some of the most popular torrents from the past day. By the way, I have some invites, anyone need 1?

  10. I'll be at Pitchfork and Lollapalooza this year for sure, and maybe Bonnaroo. NONE of my friends have even heard a Sonic Youth song so I'll be there alone on Friday night, so if anyone is in the same boat and wants to start a Teenage Riot with me, let me know.

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