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Posts posted by explodo

  1. Sorry guys, the deal for these living room shows is that yes, they can be recorded, but they can only be distributed to those who were in attendance...keeps everything fair and square that way. A lot of money was donated for these shows, and it makes sense that we let this night belong to those who experienced it and made it happen (not to mention Jeff's desire to keep it that way). Also...makes you wanna cough up the dough next year, right? I'm already saving my pennies!

    I was not aware of this restriction.

  2. I'm not sure I can state it any better than this. It was a magical night, and an exceptional weekend overall



    Yeah, I haven't posted here yet because my words aren't working very well. I've been trying, all day today and even during my car ride home yesterday, to toss some sentences together in my head that could express even an ounce of my gratitude towards everybody and everything involved in my weekend, but no dice. So I'm just going to go eat some brownies and cry myself to sleep. Maybe I'll find Aricandover in my dreams and we can galavant hand in hand across a field of rainbows.

  3. oops.  refresh and it should be fixed.  Thanks!  You're well on your way to making it to the Credits page!






    Aside from that, everything looks fantastic. Ah, the convenience.


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