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Top Democrat: Bring back the draft

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1. Concerning Rangel's draft idea, I remember it coming up in the news before, but is that soundbyte really one of the first headlines you want coming out of the newly elected democratic majority? Is this really the solution that the Democrats are bringing to the table? Is this why we voted them in and voted the Republicans out? For an idea that has been around and around before and is never going to be passed? Some say Rangel is just making a point ... well, stop wasting time making points. We elected the Democrats into the majority. The point has been made for you. We want you to come up with realistic and tangible solutions, resolutions, and strategies. Get to work, you lazy politicans (that goes for all of them).


2. Concerning Murtha and Pelosi, I don't view the vote between Murtha/Pelosi and Hoyer to be signs of infighting, but rather Pelosi's endorsement of Murtha in the first place to be a horrible strategic error on the part of Pelosi. Murtha, though not indicted, is not good for the Democratic party and not good for America. This guy is corrupt, make no mistake. After all this campaigning against the Republican corruption, her first move is to endorse Murtha? Pelosi is no doubt an intelligent and capable leader, but her choice was one of the dumbest things. Am I really suppose to trust their campaign promises of truth and honest leadership? And maybe I'm wrong, but Pelosi comes across to me as someone who holds a grudge and is always right. She's talk about promoting people who have been loyal to her -- isn't that how Bush and the Republicans screwed up this nation in the first place - choosing loyalty over credibility and credentials? Is Pelosi going to only endorse and push for people who have unwavered in their support for her? I hope not, but a part of me is skeptical; a part of me can't give her that much credit.


Maybe I'm putting too much faith and investment into the new leadership, but I actually bought a lot of what the Democrats campaigned on, and I really believe that the one unifying, common denominator amongst the majority of Americans is that our Government and the leadership has not been what it suppose to be and could be these last several years. Are the Democrats going to deliver and restore, or are they only more liberal and progressive versions of the Republican machine.


I stand by my original assessment; in terms of headlines, ideas, and unifying the country, the Democrats are 0-2.



I agree with you here. Let's not pass laws to make points. Imagine if the draft did get enacted today and then 10 years from now another 9/11 happens... With a little textbook Rovian politics and a lapdog press we could be in another war before we know it.


Also it was a mistake by Pelosi siding with Murtha. Did anyone see his interview with Chris Matthews? He is as crooked as the day is long.



Edit: Here's the portion of the Nov 15th interview with Chris Matthews I mentioned above:



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This is much ado about nothing. It's a non-starter of an issue, has zero chance of happening and was simply floated to foment some discussion about the role of the military as it relates to the citizenry, and vice versa.


For those who think this is a mistake by the Dems, relax. Rangel is a veteran and has the credibility to get away with suggesting this. If it forces a response from the administration, then at least they're being compelled to respond after 6 years in office.


I, for one, don't want my party [Dems] to become a one-party-one-voice, toe the line caucus. Falling in line with what the party leadership wants has its time and place, but right now is an ideal time to throw out lots of ideas, have some discussion, see what might work and what might not with respect to Iraq.

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This is much ado about nothing. It's a non-starter of an issue, has zero chance of happening and was simply floated to foment some discussion about the role of the military as it relates to the citizenry, and vice versa.


I applaud your use of "foment."

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After "Never fight a land war in Asia" and "Never go in with a sicilian when death is on the line."


And the more practical adjuncts:


Never play poker with a man called "Slim"


Never eat at a place called "Mom's"


Never 'fish off the company pier'

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