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Great Lake Swimmers interview

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Some of you know me from passingafternoon.com. I've done an interview with Sam Beam of Iron&Wine and I'm also doing an interview with Matthew Houck of Phosphorescent.


This time I've been in contact with Tony Dekker of Great Lake Swimmers. He has graciously agreed to answer some questions from fans in an email interview.


I'm currently gathering questions from people to forward on to Tony. If you have anything you'd like to know or ask Tony, please reply here or send me a PM.



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I had no idea these guys had developed such an international following 'til just recently. I remember seeing them at a little bar during a street festival maybe three summers ago and really enjoying their set. The singer almost strikes me as a kind of male Chan Marshall.

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I had no idea these guys had developed such an international following 'til just recently.
Everyone does the circuit nowdays, so it makes sense that such far flung outposts of culture as Chicago would have heard and seen this group.



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I saw the Great Lake Swimmers open for Centro-matic once. Good band. I really like thier most recent album.
The only time I saw them they opened for Centromatic at the Subterranian. It was a weird order though, with Two Cow Garage being the first opener. After getting the crowd worked up, it was difficult for people to focus on GLS, so it was a less than ideal way to see them.



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The only time I saw them they opened for Centromatic at the Subterranian. It was a weird order though, with Two Cow Garage being the first opener. After getting the crowd worked up, it was difficult for people to focus on GLS, so it was a less than ideal way to see them.




Yep. That was the same tour that I saw. I agree.

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Yea, that was hard to figure. I know Two Cow are friends with Centromatic. I am not sure what GLS' relationship is with them, but it would have made more sense to open with GLS and then let Two Cow have their way with the crowd.



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