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Pre-order now available here.


It's MusicToday, so caveat emptor, y'all.


They also have a site that's streaming songs in advance of the release, so anyone who hasn't heard the leaked version might want to check it out.


edit: I should have mentioned that CD pre-orders will come with a bonus EP. LP pre-orders will enable MP3 downloads of the album and bonus tracks from the EP.

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Just FYI ... here's some disturbing text from the order page:



Please choose from the following list of available shipping methods.


Select Shipping Method.........................................Shipping and Handling Cost

Supersaver (arrival 3-6 business days after the release date)................$4.92

Standard (arrival 3-5 business days after the release date)....................$5.44

Standard expedited (arrival 2-4 business days after the release date).....$9.10

Express (guaranteed for arrival on release date)...................................$13.25


Unless otherwise indicated with a guaranteed delivery date, shipping time frame for each shipping method is estimated.

In other words, they're going to ship on the release date, you'll get it several days later, and screw you unless you want to pay $13.25 to get the CD on that date.


FUCK Music Today. :angry

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  Wendy said:
But isn't that the same shipping promise on the SBS preorder?

I don't recall. All I know is that I paid the cheapest shipping option for SBS and got it on the release date -- which apparently made me one of the lucky few.


I just think this is crap, honestly. I've pre-ordered albums dozens of times from other places, and it seems like they always get them to me by the release day -- often a day or two early. Music Today has an exclusive(?) EP to offer, so they don't even pretend that you're going to get the album on the release date unless you cough up more than the price of the CD for shipping.


In the end, I'm probably going to hold my nose and order the CD with the cheapest shipping option so I get the EP ... but I won't be real happy about it.

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