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Radiohead's Kid 17

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So I just found this version of Kid A someone put together...they played two copies of Kid A on top of each other, only the second one is played 17 seconds later and it creates all sorts of cool harmonies and echos...

Anyone heard it? I found it over here.

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Yeah. Craziness. I have a project recording studio at home and when I heard about this a few years ago I tried it. Very weird experience indeed. It wasn't quite the Dark-Side-of-the-Moon-Wizard-of-Oz or Zaireeka experience I thought it was going to be, but it was worth it. Man, I had a lot more free time back then.

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i tried this in first year of university, except at that time i couldn't find a file where they were actually done together. i just started KID A on my computer speakers, then my stereo speakers 17 seconds later. there were some pretty cool bits--that starburst bit during "kid a", the end of "how to disappear completely", and "idioteque" was pretty cool too. it was after some guy on the atease forums went on and on about it being the coolest thing ever, and so i was admittedly a little disappointed, but it was a neat experience.


nothing compared to dark side of oz, though. watching that stoned is still one of the weirdest experiences i've had in a while.

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