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Read it and weep if you must. But yes, according to a Teletext report, and despite rampant speculation, a Radiohead UK PR person has claimed that the band won't release its latest magnum opus until 2008. (A U.S. rep neither confirmed nor denied this).


Really though, with August already halfway out the window, 2008 isn't such a long ways off, is it now? And, to tide you over for the wait, Verso Books is set to re-publish the Stanley Donwood/Dr. Tchock art book Dead Children Playing.


Originally pressed in 2006 and sharing its name with a Donwood art exhibit, this full-color tome collects the era-defining visuals that have accompanied Radiohead's music from The Bends through Hail to the Thief. The eerie, paranoid creations of Donwood and Tchock (perhaps better known as Thom Yorke) fill this hardcover book's 80-odd pages-- everything from album covers to promo art to assorted sketches to that grim cartoon/comic that came hidden behind the CD tray in early copies of Kid A.


This, the first Verso edition, will hit bookshelves October 17.


In other Radiohead news, ask Jonny Greenwood why the hell he named his award-winning orchestral composition Popcorn Superhet Receiver when the piece makes its U.S. debut January 16 and 17, as part of the Wordless Music Series.

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A couple of years ago I read an article on some guy who played Radiohead for a bunch of children and got them to draw while listening. They showed a drawing by some little girl, and it had the grim reaper and people jumping off cliffs or something...it was so creepy


I just did a quick search and found the article:




And a closer look at one of the darker ones:




I hope this time around the Radiohead-children pairing produces nicer results

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