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Pete Seeger: The Power Of Song

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I find it weird that it is only showing up there. What do they figure, that the late middle age or elderly affluent Jewish population is the only one interested in Seeger??....pfff.....how about a showing for us plebs in the city??



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That's what I thought at first, the plank road folk scociety is out there too as well as the fox valley festival and livFest folk festivals, so there's probably a bit more demand for it from the elderly. But comon, why can't we show it at an old town event or something.


Really I think it's a money thing, I assume the film will make the rounds and either be distributed in a larger way or go to dvd. I may try to get out there this weekend tho.


Then again, maybe pete's still blacklisted from showing in chicago theaters.

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I spoke to some folks at the Rhett Miller show last night who went to see this in Highland Park. They said it was excellent; the audience was predominantly older folks. I guess whomever booked this thing in Chicago figures young people are not aware or interested in Pete. There may be something to this, the people I spoke to knew very little about Seeger and told me they had no idea where the song on "Weeds" called "Little Boxes" came from. Although it was written by Malvina Reynolds, it was really Pete who gave it life. (I have never seen Weeds so I had no idea it was the theme song.)



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