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A year and a half ago, the Keys were one of my favorite bands. Then Magic Potion was released and their music started showing up in Victoria's Secret ads. Now, I'm not one of these people that is going to chastise a guy for making a buck, but it just seems like they are moving away from what made me love them in the first place...their blistering semi-traditional blues sound. I remember playing The Big Come Up for my girlfriend, and she said "that guy singing can't be white." Well if you're playing the blues, that's a pretty big fucking compliment.


They are just starting to sound a little poppy to me. I loved Chulahoma, because it was an entire album of blues covers. I can't see them having that sound on an album ever again the way things are going, and that makes me sad.


Anyone else feel this way? Anyone care?

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So far, I think their peak was Rubber Factory. The Lengths is one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. I'm glad they can rock out, but they can also craft a beautiful, textured song.


I loved Rubber Factory, the EP that followed was solid, but Magic Potion didn't do much for me.

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Yeah I guess Magic Potion has just been a big disappointment for me. Rubber Factory was really good. Also, the last show of theirs I was at was a disappointment, but that was more an indictment of the dipshits around me than it was the band.


I first got into them when I walked up on their set at ACL 2005 and I was blown away. It is still to this day one of the best shows I've ever seen.

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I never listened to the last album in full, but I thought "You're the One" was pretty great.

"You're the One" was definitely the only song that stuck with me off Magic Potion. I never could get into that one, but I was (and still am) head-over-heels in love with Rubber Factory. I'd never miss an opportunity to see them live. :rock

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