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Tremolo Arm Help

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So, I've recently gotten a Jazzmaster (as I mentioned in a couple threads). I have a tremolo arm problem. The tremolo works just fine, but I feel like the angle of the actual arm should be greater. I only have about 1.5" of distance between the tip of the arm and the body. This really limits the amount of "tremolo-ness" I can perform. In looking at other examples -- Nels Cline, etc. -- it seems like their tremolo arms stick up higher or have a greater angle, allowing for the arm to travel toward the body further. Any help would be appreciated.

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So, I've recently gotten a Jazzmaster (as I mentioned in a couple threads). I have a tremolo arm problem. The tremolo works just fine, but I feel like the angle of the actual arm should be greater. I only have about 1.5" of distance between the tip of the arm and the body. This really limits the amount of "tremolo-ness" I can perform. In looking at other examples -- Nels Cline, etc. -- it seems like their tremolo arms stick up higher or have a greater angle, allowing for the arm to travel toward the body further. Any help would be appreciated.


Since Jazzmasters are notorious for problems such as these, I wouldn't be surprised if someone out there is selling custom trem arms to remedy this issue. There's a pretty solid market of Jazzmaster custom stuff.

I think one option for you would be to try bending your current arm out away from the body using clamps, if possible.

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So, I've recently gotten a Jazzmaster (as I mentioned in a couple threads). I have a tremolo arm problem. The tremolo works just fine, but I feel like the angle of the actual arm should be greater. I only have about 1.5" of distance between the tip of the arm and the body. This really limits the amount of "tremolo-ness" I can perform. In looking at other examples -- Nels Cline, etc. -- it seems like their tremolo arms stick up higher or have a greater angle, allowing for the arm to travel toward the body further. Any help would be appreciated.


This might be an adjustment to the floating trem inside the guitar, not a bent or custom arm (i tried in vane to locate a custom made arm anywhere online)...a custom arm could be machined pretty easily, but bending a stock arm would be a real bitch


There are many vintage foreign market guitars that had various types of arm ('60-'70's teiscos come to mind, and they might be substituted for stock fender)...




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Yeah, I was thinking bending it might be a bit of trouble -- but I was considering it. God forbid I have to take that tremolo apart. Jazzmasters are really cool, but kind of an ornery instrument.


Yea really esoteric guitars...i feel the same way about Gretschs



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Second that notion about Gretsches. I'm still figuring mine out, and I've had it for about six months. Sometimes it is the prettiest guitar I've ever heard, other times it sounds like total shit. Just feels like there are a million subtleties to master. Not a bad thing necessarily though.

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Second that notion about Gretsches. I'm still figuring mine out, and I've had it for about six months. Sometimes it is the prettiest guitar I've ever heard, other times it sounds like total shit. Just feels like there are a million subtleties to master. Not a bad thing necessarily though.

Yep. My Jazzmaster is like that for sure. I just used it on some recordings tonight, and finally got some cool stuff out of it. Really a punchy sounding guitar. Me likey.

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