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I know this is an odd place to ask for essay help, but I am really struggling. I have my thesis written, and I was hoping you could help me with it. Critique it even. Thank you sooo much.


In the novels The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger there are a number of ways the two novels are comparable. The characters of Holden and Charlie are very alike, to begin with. Both these boys have experienced a significant loss in their lives which changed them dramatically and they both claim to have been the one to murder the person. Both characters are completely alienated from their peers and can find this quite hard to deal with. Also, both are struggling with innocence and growing up. Holden and Charlie are both on a mental decline in both the novels and these factors all contribute to this. The writing style of Salinger has been attempted by many authors, but without trying to, Chbosky has created a parallel to one of the world

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I don't know if I'd use the word murder. I think something like "they feel guilt associated with the death of someone" or something.

Yeah I re read it and decided for sure that must be changed.

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I know this is an odd place to ask for essay help, but I am really struggling. I have my thesis written, and I was hoping you could help me with it. Critique it even. Thank you sooo much.


In the novels The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger there are a number of ways the two novels are comparable. The characters of Holden and Charlie are very alike, to begin with. Both these boys have experienced a significant loss in their lives which changed them dramatically and they both claim to have been the one to murder the person. Both characters are completely alienated from their peers and can find this quite hard to deal with. Also, both are struggling with innocence and growing up. Holden and Charlie are both on a mental decline in both the novels and these factors all contribute to this. The writing style of Salinger has been attempted by many authors, but without trying to, Chbosky has created a parallel to one of the world

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In the novels The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky and The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger there are a number of ways the two novels are comparable. The characters of Holden and Charlie are very alike, to begin with. Both these boys have experienced a significant loss in their lives which changed them dramatically and they both feel responsible for the death of this person. The two characters are completely alienated from their peers and can find this quite hard to deal with. Also, both are struggling with innocence and growing up. Holden and Charlie are both on a mental decline in their respective novels and these factors all contribute to this. The writing style of Salinger has been attempted by many authors, but without trying to, Chbosky has created a parallel to one of the world

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