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Patti Smith Dream of Life

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I finally read this article this morning. Maybe someone in NYC can go check it out. Patti is one of my all time favorites and this movie looks interesting.






July 27, 2008

Two Amateurs, Reinventing the Wheel


WHEN Steven Sebring began filming Patti Smith, 12 years ago, he was, by his own admission, pretty much an amateur. He made his living as a fashion photographer, as he still does. He didn

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Thanks for posting that. I'm a big Smith fan so I will be checking that out when it's out here.

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sorry I missed this thread the first time around.


This sounds like something I would be interested in seeing. I've had a healthy respect for Patti Smith's work, since I first saw her on Tom Snyder. :worship

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Trailer looks bitching. No scheduled Chicago release yet, it looks like.
You are right.. Anywhere a female rock musician gets up and let's it all out, Patti Smith is there....it does look pretty cool (although I do wish she would give up the clarinet...)



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