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Hey Everyone,


My Electro 2 is one of my most prized possessions, but I can't seem to get the hang of the organ. More specifically, every time I hit a note, there's a very percussive 'click,' and it's infuriating. Instead of those smooth swell-like starts I get a hard 'tick' noise and it's infuriating. I've tried every setting on the thing, so much so that I think that it might be the amp (which, for reference, is crap.)


Anyone else have this problem? More importantly, anyone have any suggestions on how to fix the bitch?



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Ah, the mythic 'click'. The tick you're hearing is the Electro imitation of a phenomena in the original B3 -- when the key contacts came close together (as when they are being pressed) they would create electrical arcs, which are heard as an audible click. This is actually considered to be part of the authentic B3 experience and something that clonewheels try to imitate.


(You probably don't hear it too much on recordings of B3s because the click, like guitar hum, is mostly lost in the mix of instruments. Also, use of the B3's volume pedal to swell into notes tends to duck the click. Still, if you listen to some solo B3, you'll pick out the key click.)


Even though all the clones try to reproduce key click, early versions of the Electro were criticized because they kinda went overboard and the click was super loud. So later versions of the Electro made that parameter adjustable. You might not be able to eliminate it completely, but you should be able to reduce the volume of the click. Find your manual or download it online and find the key click parameter; reduce to your taste.


(Also, check to make sure that the sound you're hearing is the key click and not the percussion, which you can turn on and off.)


The next piece is to get yourself a expression pedal and work on volume swells for proper swell-iness.


I hope this helps.

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