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Link to clips of new Oasis

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Don't Believe The Truth is a great album, anything with The Importance of Being Idle in it is great in my book, this album is totally diff than that album though, alot heavier more like american alternative rock from the 90's, DBTT was very 60s british and quite alot of acoustics, this album is full of stompers and loud guitars

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Just because i talked about oasis does not mean im not here to talk about wilco, i had discovered a youtube clip with the songs on it so I thought i would share it, I love how childish some people are on internet forums, if you dont like the band i posted about ignore it and post in another section, I don't come in here and go to topics about bands I don't care for, I don't get why people on forums bash people or other bands if you don't like the band ignore the topic so people who actually have something important to say don't have to pile through all the bull shit that people say about how much they hate a certain band, im not exclusively talking about this thread but look around and see how many people go in to topics with the point of bashing a band its childish.

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Just because i talked about oasis does not mean im not here to talk about wilco, i had discovered a youtube clip with the songs on it so I thought i would share it, I love how childish some people are on internet forums, if you dont like the band i posted about ignore it and post in another section, I don't come in here and go to topics about bands I don't care for, I don't get why people on forums bash people or other bands if you don't like the band ignore the topic so people who actually have something important to say don't have to pile through all the bull shit that people say about how much they hate a certain band, im not exclusively talking about this thread but look around and see how many people go in to topics with the point of bashing a band its childish.


next time you should probably post a link like that into the Now Playing or Now Watching On Youtube thread, then people would have no complaint. although, when most people post a link to something they like they don't tend to post the release date and a little pr blurb to accompany it unless people ask for these details afterwards. there was even a recent thread about noel getting pushed over, which you could have posted the link in, too.


what is so wrong with being childish, by the way? there are far worse things to be in life.

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