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Strange, psycho Brazilian music

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  • 9 months later...

As a bump, and a piece of new info:

Dude has a new album out.

And he's offering it FOR FREE, as a download.

Follow the (kinda confusing) links from his site.


I have yet to give it a listen, but I do appreciate the giveaway. Hopefully it'll work out for him. Go, Léo, Go!!!

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listening now.


Whaddya think?

Did you hear the one song that I posted the link to, or did you brave the entire new album?


I'm listening to the new record now, and am really digging it. Very odd... like a Brazilian Zappa.

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just listened to that song. it was good, not my thing so much though :-)


Then, do not DL the record. It's pretty much a lot more weirdness like that.

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haha! thanks for the heads up.


I am here to serve.

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  • 5 months later...

Listening to this now and am really enjoying it.

So... just a reminder that



It is absolutely not for everyone, but you may be someone that may actually enjoy this.

I do.

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