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Did a search on it (with several keywords) and could not find the thread.

So... link?

Or, let's just talk about this one here.


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Being both a huge Big Star fan and a huge Posies fan, I'll probably pick this up at some point.


Did you see them on that "reunion" tour in the 90's -- with Auer and Stringfellow filling in for Bell and Hummel?

I saw them in Chicago, had no idea what to expect, and was blown away. They were brilliant! (At least that night.)

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I read that book a while back. It's a good read for fans, with some nice insights into the history of the band.

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Did you see them on that "reunion" tour in the 90's -- with Auer and Stringfellow filling in for Bell and Hummel?

I saw them in Chicago, had no idea what to expect, and was blown away. They were brilliant! (At least that night.)

Yup, saw them at Metro.

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I didn't know this book existed but would love to get a copy of it. I'm from Memphis and have an uncle who was involved in the music business and had a lot of dealings with Big Star and even more with Alex Chilton back during his Box Tops days. He's told me and my brothers the Big Star story from his point of view and turned us on to them many years ago. But still, I've never really found a lot of info on the band. Thanks for posting about the book.

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Thank you for informing me this existed, PopTodd. EL, you have the scariest av of all time.


I've been a Big Star fan for awhile, but they always exist in this strange ether world for me, since I was born in 1978. It's been a matter of digging through their back catalogue and going, "holy shit people were recording like this back in the early 70s? How did Gordon Lightfoot beat these guys out for radio time?"


I think this book is right up my alley, thanks again ViaChicago!

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