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I'm playing a show at FitzGerald's TONIGHT 11/13

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9:30 p.m.

Thursday, November 13

FitzGerald's Night Club

6615 Roosevelt Rd.

Berwyn, IL



Thanks for letting me post this here. I hope that some of you can come out. I don't play shows like this very often. (My last one was back in April.)

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i meant to put this in "someone else's song"

mods: could you please move?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Less thank a week to go before I play this thing and my whoring (for this show, at least) will end.

Even if you hate my music, it would be fun to see you there.

You can see what the surgery really did to me.

Gabba gabba hey!


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do you sell pop-todd merch at your gigs? tees? mousepads? book bags? this could sway my current decision.


Am I that much of a shill?

I'm sorry.

I just like to let folks know that I'm playing. It would be nice to meet some of you, even at a show that was not my own. Sadly, I don't get out as much as I used to.


If you work in the far north suburbs of Chicago, we could meet for lunch sometime.

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for the record, i would have considered going if you DID have a merch table. the fact that you don't has shattered my image of you and i must sit this one out to grieve.


dude, i'm bustin' balls...for all the free marketing you get on here, somebody has to do it. have a good show!

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for the record, i would have considered going if you DID have a merch table. the fact that you don't has shattered my image of you and i must sit this one out to grieve.


dude, i'm bustin' balls...for all the free marketing you get on here, somebody has to do it. have a good show!


No sweat.


Ball-busting is to be expected when shilling oneself on a message board, I suppose.

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helo pop tods do u have a band if so pls post linkz


Seriously dude good luck. And ANYONE IN DC can catch me Monday at Galaxy Hut in Arlington, 9:30!




Actually, may not be the worst thing in the world to have a random thread for vc'ers to post their own upcoming shows, i know there are threads about them every now and then. I for one would probably participate.. but then i'm not in a band that gigs every week or something. And I suppose then maybe we'd get random crapheads who don't ever post here just show up promoting and stuff.


Dunno, just crossed the mental webs and thought the interwebs would want to share the joy.

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Thanks all.

I hope to see somebody from VC there tonight; hopefully several (although it doesn't look likely).


Anyway... thanks for tolerating yet another self-promo thread from me!

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Sorry I can't make the show tonight, I lost my job in PA yesterday and have to start making some sacrifices.


if anyone finds my job, please return to my attention asap.



seriously, checked out your link and it looks like you're laying down some cool, passionate stuff. hope tonights gig goes down fine.

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It was good, thanks.

Not a bad crowd for a Thurs. (50 or so), and I just had a good time, which is really what it's all about.

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