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Jeff Tweedy's question for Eddie Vedder

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As an avid fan of both Wilco and Pearl Jam, I thought this was pretty cool.



You do lots of great cover versions live – have you thought of doing a studio album of them? - Jeff Tweedy, Wilco


I’m not sure why we all play songs we didn’t write, especially when nothing can be better than the original. One reason is to play them for people who’ve never heard them. When I play Cat Stevens songs, of course I don’t do them as well as him, but I feel I’m introducing him to a new generation of fans. As for a whole LP, well, imagine how many records you could put out if you didn’t have to write the songs! That’s why Elvis released so many albums!




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How about Neil Finn's question?



Has Olivia gone all four floors on the fireman’s pole yet? - Neil Finn, Crowded House

Tell Neil I never talk about the pole! Ha ha! As Neil knows, I’ve got an adventurous young daughter who’s very rough and tumble. I guess things change as they get older and there’s a restructuring of power in the male/female dynamic. But right now my daughter’s as tough as anyone, male or female, under the age of about 15. The fireman’s pole? It’s a long story. Basically, I started smoking dope after a long period of abstinence, and I had an epiphany. I realised the house I was living in had a couple of connected closets. And after having this nice hit, it occurred to me that you could put a fireman’s pole in this house, connecting all four floors. Three months on, we had one installed. It’s really practical! I do all my songwriting in the basement, so if I’m, upstairs, I just slide down. Otherwise you might stop by the laundry room to wash some clothes and you’ll have missed a couple of songs. So it has paid for itself in songwriting royalties.

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