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Is the CD dead?

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I went to another record store closing yesterday and it's no wonder they are going out of business. It's one of those chain mall stores (F.Y.E.) and they were selling all the CD's for 50% off which put most of them at around $9 to $10. That's half off?

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I went to another record store closing yesterday and it's no wonder they are going out of business. It's one of those chain mall stores (F.Y.E.) and they were selling all the CD's for 50% off which put most of them at around $9 to $10. That's half off?


that is ridiculous. was at barnes and noble the other night. they still have a music area, but no one works back there anymore. they call someone up. new releases were $18. ridiculous. i thought cd prices were supposed to go down by the late 80s. its amazing how they depreciate though. 'new' cds put out this decade are usually $.75 on amazon at this point. the classics retain their value (zeppelin, springsteen) but even new music from classic artists depreciates quickly. don't even get me started on how much downloads. ZERO production costs for physical product and still $10? :angry

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